Chapter three: Unexpected Call

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My neck ached like a bitch. My back was sore from the chair, my arms where straining from holding Arianah all night, but yet i hadn't let go, even though i forgot to put her back in her seat when she was finished her bottle, i felt that i needed her close to me, closer than just a seat could bring us. I needed to feel her small hands grasping my hand, to feel her breathing against my chest. It was something i hadn't had in a while. A nice, warm hug.

My whole body was aching from sitting in the same place. I looked to my left to see Detective Greyson coming back up the hall, three coffee's in his hands. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" He said in a deep, happy voice. I chuckled at his huge grin, how was he so happy? "Good Morning yourself Sherif Happygo-Kick" i replied moving my left hand up to rub my eyes. The Detective laughed at me. "You have no need to worry is all son" He said as he handed me a coffee. I just smiled. Taking a sip, it tasted like a boring grain swishing around my mouth but i didn't care, it was coffee.

Ari started to stir in my arms, her eyes fluttered open to reveal her deep blue crystal orbs. I was the first thing she saw, this prevented her crys that would have echoed in the hospital walls. I lifted her up so that she was sitting in my lap, curiosity filling her. As i stood up, giving my legs a much needed stretch, my phone started to ring in my back pocket. Detective Greyson swiftly came over and swooped up Arianah into his arms, Ari kicking her legs happily. I reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out. A familiar number flashing in the screen.

"Hey man! Long time no talk you dick!" I said into the phone as i answered. I heard chuckling in the other end, "Yeah, haha, sorry about that bro, been busy, you know!" I rolled my eyes, this was always his excuse. 'Busy with the bro's, hoe's and cho's' which ment friends, girls and school, in that order. "Yeah, yeah whatever man, look i'm kinnd of busy at the moment, i'll talk to you later or something alright?" i asked, looking over at Detective Greyson and Ari. "Thats what i calling about dude, we saw your mum on tv, how is she?" Ryder asked in serious tone. So i guess the whole school, country new what happend. "I dont know man, she had some kind of surgury last night so we are waiting to go see her any minute now" i said pacing back and forth along the hallway. "Hope everything is ok man, hey look me and Trey were thinking..." His voice got cut off when i heard the lady at the desk said something to make my heart stop. "You can see her now".

My heart stopped, along with my words to Ryder.

I could see her, my mum, right now!

My mind couldn't process what was happening, i was so happy but at the same time my stomach had dropped into my shoes.

"Dude, i have to go.." was all i could say as i hing up the phone and motioned toward the detective's who were playing with Ari. They followed already listening in.

The nurse led us to the door of mum's room, she opened the door. My eyes spilled over with un-noticed tears as i saw my mum in that bed.


I must have been in the room with my mum for a long time, eventually falling asleep.

When I came to, there was dark shadowing every inch of the room, the curtains had been drawn inside the small room. The dull colours of the hospital room were drab and cliche hospital decore. The bed that my mother lay helplessly on took up most of the room, with mechines that were hooked up to her from every angle. Her sleeping figure lay peacefully, brusies starting to show on her arms and i suspected torso.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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