Chapter One: New Places, New People (Editing)

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New School, New people, recently I had moved, from the small state of New Jersey, all the way across the country to California. But it had been holidays during the move, so I had yet to start at school.

I was excited, yet I wasnt to keen on it either.

I had two best friends, that i wished desperatly they were with me, but i would never admit it. I didn't need anyone else; I had Trey, Ryder, Arianah and my mum.

That's all I needed, those were the people I could trust with everything.

Trey and Ryder knew that I would protect Ari with my life. I remember one day, some kid thought he would confront me about being in the park with Arianah since his little gang had seen me with her at the park the day before, he told people that i was her biological father and made up some stupid story about how the mother had ran away and left me with her. When Trey told me of this kid, I was seeing red, in all my life I will never regret punching someone so hard. Ever. I mean, yes i found him and made him promise to take back all of what he had said, but no, not in the nicest way, of course. I went home to her after that and just held her.

Walking into the kitchen of my first day of school, I saw mum feeding Ari and making aeroplane noises trying to get her to eat some mashed up green stuff.

I chuckled to myself, but unfortunately my mum had super hearing.

"What are you chuckling at Harley? She won't eat this mashed up broccoli that I made her." My mother said pouting slightly and looking confused at the same time.

I just laughed again and walk to the cupboard, pulling out a mashed apple and pear jar and chucked the green mash in the bin. I washed the spoon and gave it to Ari, she dug in immediately. I looked at my mum with a satisfied look on my face. My mum just stared at me in disbelief; I just proceeded around the kitchen making my lunch, mum's and Ari's.

After i managed to organise my school things, I picked up Arianah from her high chair and sat her in her play pen with all her favourite toys, I turned back to find my mother standing there with one hand on her hip, the other placed on the bench, her eyes diving into the sence before her.

"What?" I asked, amusement playing on my face.

"How did you do that?" she asked me slowly raising one eyebrow. The corners of her small mouth lifted up into the faintest smile, her emerald green eyes shone in the morning sun, that lit up her dark brown waves of hair that she had pulled back into a ponytail.

I shrugged and held the back of my neck.

"It's her favourite, she hates broccoli" I said looking at my mother.

She just smiled at me and looked down at the floor. "Well I'm glad you know something about your sister Harley" she said kind hearted.

I smiled back at her.

"I know everything about her mum, she's my life." 

My mother just nodded at me and turned away, knowing it was true. I could tell she wanted to know the things that I know about Ari, but she never had time because of her ungodly working hours as a cleaner, also the multiple other jobs she had to carry just to put food on the table and a roof above our heads. The purple bags under her eyes told the story better then i ever could.

I walked over to Arianah who was still happily playing in her pen, I picked her up and placed her on my hip. She clapped her hands at me; she had just figured out how and was doing it all the time now. I grabbed my bag and lunch in the other hand, kissed my mum on the cheek and said goodbye. I chucked my bag in the back of my car then I placed Arianah gently in her pink and white car seat, and buckled her in. Jumping in the driver seat I continued to take her to her new preschool.

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