part 2

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Jason: ha you know it Sis *winks* and *smirks*
Diana: *rolls eyes*
Alex: jason *gives him a deadly look* *looks at diana* come on Diana let me show you the house
Diana: ok! *happy look*
*alex shows diana the house and is taking her to her room*
Alex: so what do u think?
Diana: Omg i love it! Thank you Alex!
Alex: aw I'm glad princess! *smiles* come on lets go eat
Diana: ok *they finish eating some pizza*
Alex: hey Diana i wondering while you are living with us you gatta go to school so i wondering if you want to go to the same school i went too it's called degressi
Diana: um ok sure *smiles*
Jason: ah i love degressi *smirks*
Alex: *rolls eyes* sure u do
Jason: haha *smirks*
Diana: when do i start?
Alex: um tomorrow i just have to take you to the office first
Diana: ok so i am going to sleep to be ready for tomorrow
Alex: ok *smiles*
Diana: goodnight Alex love you and also thank you for everything *gives him a big hug*
Alex: nothing to thank me your my sister i would do anything for you *smiles* now go off to bed you don't want to be late for your first day of school
Diana: ok bye goodnight love you
Alex: bye goodnight sweet dreams babygirl *smiles*
Jason: what a good girl *rolls eyes*
Alex: what is wrong with you you were so rude to Diana
Jason: nothing
Alex: tell me now jason
Jason: she is my sister and i love her i don't want anyone to hurt her and if i act mean to her then no one will ever think i am a goodie goodie
Alex: oh now i see look jason there is nothing bad about that plz tomorrow show diana that u care about her just like i do plz jay
Jason: ok if u want i can take her to school?
Alex: *rolls eyes* you just want to see all the hot
Girls don't u?
Jason: haha you know me so well *smirks*
Alex: well i am your older brother *smirks*
Jason: haha well I'm off to bed night Alex
Alex: me too and night *smiles*
Hope you all like it! 💕

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