Party with Nathan

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Karen POV

After school I went home and went in my room I checked my phone and I got a message from a unknown number

Hey princess look out your window

And I already know who this is there is only one person who calls me princess and that is nathan I looked out my window and saw nathan

"Hey princess"he said

"What are you doing here"I said

"Wanna go to blake's party?"he asked

"Um I dunno its already 8:00 in the evening"I said

"Come on princess I'll send you home in midnight"he said with a pleading look

"Fine give me 5 minutes to change and I'll come down"I said going through my closet and wore ripped jeans,white crop top,and a black leather jacket with high heeled boots and I put some eyeliner,mascara and lipgloss,I don't need to curle my hair because its already curly I went down stairs and got out of the house.I saw nathan with an open mouth

"Damn girl in just a simple oultfit you already look like a model"he said I chuckled and sat in the passanger seat

"Lets go"nathan said driving off

As we were almost at blake's house I can already hear the music blasting out of the house and cars parking all over the house nathan parked somewhere and we got off

As we entered the house I can already smell the alcohol

"Hey I'm going to get a drink want some?"nathan asked

"No thanks,I don't wanna get drunk or else my mom is gonna kill me"I said

"Ok"he said and walked to the kitchen leaving me standing here

"Hey pretty lady wanna dance"I looked at the guy who asked me and it was ray

"Sure,why not"I said

We danced to the music until someone shouted 'spin the bottle' we all sat down and nathan came beside me,the bottle spun and landed on me

"Truth or dare"nathan said


"I dare you to kiss nikko"I was shocked at his dare and when I looked up I did'nt notice nikko was here I watched him and he smirked at me

"Fine"I said

Nikko came near me and kissed me softly Butterflies errupted my stomach and it feel so amazing

After the kiss nikko looked at my eyes and smiled I mean smile like a genuine smile I smiled back

After the game I went up the stairs and went to the balcony shutting the door I feel so alive when nikko kissed me,suddenly I heard the door slide open and someone held my waist and kissed my neck I tried to push him off but when I turned around it was nikko

"Nikko stop it"I said pushing him off I can smell the alcohol"nikko your drunk stop"

"Fine"he said"karen"


"I like you"and with that nikko fell on top of me and I tried to carry him in a room and when I layed him down I sat thinking about nikko's words

He like's me



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