Chapter 13

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Let her go... Let her go. These three words rang in my head, causing my head to ache. After all this time, I thought I found someone that can actually make me happy, and now...Everyone is pulling me away because of... who I am. You see, those are the times when I wish that I didn't even exist.

"Harry?", Louis repeated. I looked at him, the golden hint in his eyes, meaning that he was angry, was fading. I kept on looking at him, and since when did Louis, the playful, energetic one, suddenly had the 'wise' attitude? "Haz", he sighed. Much more calmer, "Sorry I snapped...please..say something". I looked at him, then back at the lads, who by now knew what was going on. "I'm...going to my room", I said, the feeling inside me felt.. strange. I have never felt this way before, it was a feeling of anger and confusion, "Let's just talk about this, in the morning", I added quietly. And with that I left to my room. I got inside and looked at the mirror, reading the message over and over again, until I couldn't take it anymore. I smashed it to the ground as hard as I could, causing very small pieces of glass shattering on my carpet. I stormed to my bathroom and leaned my hands on the tube of the sink, squeezing it as hard as I can, causing it to bend. I looked up at my reflection, a monster was staring back. My eyes were bright golden and my fangs were out, I was panting heavily. "Why can't anyone accept who I am?", I whispered, "...why". It took every fiber in my body not to lose it. My sensitive ears heard several footsteps coming to my room, "...what should we do now?", I heard a faint voice, probably Jake's. "...leave him for now, he'll calm down", I'm sure that was Luke's voice. 

I heard the footsteps leave the room, but I still felt someone was in there with me. I slowly opened the bathroom door and walked out. I found Louis sitting on the edge of my bed, barefoot, not minding the small harsh pieces of glass. "You calmed down pretty fast this time", he smirked. Well, this isn't the first time this happens... I stayed silent as he got up and left my room, only to come back seconds later with a small vaccuum from the basement. "Good job sir, now I look like a housewife with this thing", he joked as he plugged in the wire and started the vaccuum. I chuckled lowly as I saw him bringing his arm back and forth, the noisy machine sucking in the small pieces of glass from the carpet. He could do this work in about one or two seconds, but he was taking his time to tease me, since he looked entertaining. Once he was done he unplugged it and returned it to its previous place, then came back within seconds.

Luke, Jack, and Alex joined in as well. Great. Now the admition time. There was a long silence at first, until Alex decided to break it, "Look, we know how hard this is, we've all been in your place", he paused, "..but we couldn't stand seeing the people we care about getting hurt because of us..because of who we are... right?" They all nodded and looked at me waiting for a response, I stayed still for a while, then shook my  head a 'no'. They all shared the same confused look at me, "No, Alex, no. I can get hurt instead of her, I'll protect her. I won't let anyone lay a finger on her...", I sighed, "...and you know that".

"I do, Harry. But like comon! You know they'll hurt both of you. And the poor girl doesn't even know what's going on.."

"Plus", Luke added, "Someday you will find a vampire girl that you will lo-"

"Oh please Luke don't give me that crap. That's what you guys said to yourselves when you knew you can't date humans: You'll find yoursleves vampire girls... well...why are you still single, then?!", I interrupted. "Maybe you guys are still waiting for your 'dream girl'...but me?  I just want an innocent girl, and I found her..". They all sighed at my stubborn behaviour and left the room mumbling "Goodnight". Whenever we discuss this topic or a similar one, they always end up saying "Whatever", or "Okay as you like". They do this either to shut me up or because I'm right. Probably to shut me up. I sighed heavily as I laid down and stared at the ceiling. I knew I wouldn't sleep now, I don't even need it... So I took out my secret notebook from my drawer and started writting...

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