Chapter 17

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Mia ended up staying at my place so that we could do some Christmas shopping tomorrow morning... Since it's the weekend tomorrow and we don't have volunteering at that time.

"Are you gonna take this bed?", Mia asked. "No, we're sharing", I smiled, "Uh, if you are okay with it..". She rolled her eyes, "Of course I am". The two of us climbed my bed and laid down, covering our bodies with the duvet. "Goodnight", I yawned. "Goodnight", she replied. The silence followed as I started dozing off.

"Please... don't...", I heard faint voice from outside. The voice belonged to a woman. "Mia, did you hear that?", I whispered. I'm sure she's not asleep yet, "Yeah", she replied. The voice continued whimpering, until a muffled scream was heard. It was loud, but muffled. Not again! We both got out of bed and headed to my window and opened it. The icy wind blowing in my room. I peeked my head outside, trying to see, it was pitch black, as usual. This is not the first time. The scream died down eventually, then silence. This mystery is driving me crazy! Who is that? And what's happening to those who are screaming? "HELLOOO? WHO'S THERE?", Mia suddenly shouted, making me jump. I'm sure there would be no response. Still determined to find out who is that, I ran to my bedside table and grabbed my phone and opened the flashlight app. I waved it outside the window, it somehow helped me see figures only. "Over there!", Mia pointed to her right. I moved my cellphone to the direction she was pointing to and saw nothing. "I swear there was someone there", She whispered. I started shivering since my pajamas were thin material and the icy wind was invading the room's atmosphere. I sighed and mumbled, "Let's go inside".

"This happens often", She stated as she made her way back to the bed. I gasped, "So you hear it too?! I always thought I'm the only one. This is the third time this happens...", I laid down on the bed as well and stared at the ceiling. "Do you have any idea why this happens?", I asked. "No... everyone says different things.. some say the sound comes from the forest near by, or the alley. And some say those people that scream are just fooling around to scare us in this neighborhood and things like that.. But what I believe is that the voices come from either the forest or the alley. It's close enough to hear people screaming from there". I stayed silent for a while taking it all in, "..isn't that where you and Chloe were?", I asked carefully, referring to the night they were at the forest. She might get sensitive when it comes to Chloe, I can't blame her, it was a really horrible scene. "Yeah..", She sighed, "And the scream she let out the other night was just the same as those people". With those words said, I quickly sat up and looked at her worriedly, "W-what if what happened to Chloe that night happens to those people?". She sat up as well, her eyes fixed on her hands on her lap and said, "That's what I'm trying not to convince myself...". "Oh my god", I whispered to myself. Could it be? Those people that are screaming at night be attacked by the same creature that attacked Chloe? This is beyond horrible. "What is the creature that lives there? Is it an wild animal? Or a murderer?", I asked. I know that topic was getting really intense and scary, but I couldn't help but ask about it. Wow, it's not only Harry that I'm curious about, it's also this mystery. "No one knows what is it. They don't even make a big deal about it, they think it's some bear or a wolf...That's what they forced themselves to believe after they gave up on Chloe's case", She explained. I don't think it was an animal.

I didn't want to push this subject any further.. So I decided to drop it and just get some sleep. "I just hope it's all not true... I don't want people to get hurt", I mumbled sleepily, "Goodnight". She smiled as she closed her eyes as well, "Yeah, me neither... Goodnight", She yawned. The rest of the night was peaceful, thank goodness.

We woke up the next morning and went straight ahead to the shops on the street. We spent the first few hours buying some tree decorations and things like that, and had our breakfast. It was a successful day so far. We were enjoying our time. "So.. what do you want to bring Harry for Christmas?", Mia asked as we walked down the busy streets. It started snowing lightly on us and the weather was freezing cold. What should I get Harry for Christmas? "I have no clue", I replied. I still have plenty of time to get him his gift, though.

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