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"the school called. they told me to come and collect hyung's belongings,"

seated directly opposite haeri, park ji-woon, who happens to be jimin's little brother, answered. haeri had got to know him after jimin had brought her to his house a few times to study together. and considering how ji-woon would always pop by to tease and bother the two during those times, haeri and ji-woon eventually shared a close relationship as well.

"and look what i've found in his locker,"

furrowing his brows, ji-woon lifted up the bag next to him and poured out the contents in it. then, ruffling through the books and some other extra stuff, he eventually scooped up a biscuit container too. he looked up to face haeri who seemed like she was almost in tears but still, reaching for haeri's hand, ji-woon placed the container firmly onto her palm and flicked his head at her.

"check the label. i believe this is for you,"

haeri's hands trembled as soon as ji-woon handed her with the container. slowly and nervously, she closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath before then, letting her eyes fall upon the familiar penmanship which was printed over the top of the lid.

"dear haeri,"

the post it which was pasted on the top read and right away, hot tears started streaming down haeri's cheeks.

"so... he did reply to me after all...", haeri sniffled through her tears and struggling to wipe them off while opening up the container, she eventually spotted that last piece of letter she had written to jimin.

with her hands still shaking, she brought the letter close to her face to read it.

12 october 2015

dear jimin,

i'm sorry. i shouldn't have ignored you. i realised that it has been a month since we last talked. everyday, you never fail to text or leave me with those voice calls, until just last week, everything stopped coming in. you no longer look at me in school, follow me back home or take the same bus as me. it seemed like you have finally given up talking to me and decided to leave me alone but my heart, it actually hurts even more now. i can't explain that sort of feeling but there's one thing i'm quite sure about it myself now and i hope that it's not too late of me to let you know.

i think i'm in love with you, jimin. although it all started out by just me watching you and all, i guess i eventually started developing those feelings for you. day by day, i was oblivious to those growing feels until now, that you decided to leave me, i could feel the emptiness in my heart and i don't think i can lose you. you mean so much to me now so please, i beg of you.

park jimin, could you please leave bangtan and come back to me?

with love,

that was the content of her very last letter to jimin. swallowing the lump in her throat, haeri was still fighting hard to hold back until she could no longer control herself. just by letting it all out, her heart felt lighter. and now, seeing her in such a distress, ji-woon's heart ache as well. immediately scooting over to her side, he draped his arm around haeri's shoulder and brought her into his chest. then, gently lifting off the piece of letter from haeri's hand, he scanned through the writings quickly. however, just as he was about to put it aside, ji-woon happened to notice some small, almost illegible red markings at the bottom right hand corner of the letter. squinting his eyes to make out those words, ji-woon eventually whispered them softly into haeri's ear.

"park haeri, i love you too but i'm sorry. i really am. with love, jimin,"

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