Chapter One

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Chapter One

Aviana's POV

"Aviana wake up!" I squint my eyes adjusting to the bright light. My mum - or fake mum - walks in and opens my windows. I start to wonder who my real mum is.

"You're going to school today" she says enthusiastically. I roll my eyes and get out of bed to get ready.

Honestly I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to school. I mean if there are other werewolves and banshees who knows what other shape shifters are out there. I get dressed and head downstairs and go out the door. As I walk out Malia is standing there.

"Hey" she simply says.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Do you want to know the way to school or not?" She says in a duh tone.
I roll my eyes and follow her.

"What's wrong?" She asked "Nothing" I say, I was just thinking if there were other shape shifters.

"Yes there are, so many that we don't even know about, some that could kill" She replies to my thoughts. I guess I said that out loud.


I arrive at school and go right to the office,
"Hello," I smiled trying to be polite "Um I am Aviana, Aviana Clark" I finish.

The receptionist just blankly looks at me and hands me my timetable and locker code. I just smile and walk out. Well wasn't that...awkward. I then get pushed and fall onto the floor.

"You should really watch where you're going" I say quite annoyed. I look up and meet these beautiful blue eyes. I shake my head to get out of my trance.

"Sorry, I'm new here, I'm a freshman" he says, he picks up my books standing up along with me, he stands there looking at me, and hands me my books. "Liam" he says.

"Aviana, but you can call me Avi or V." I say. We stand there for quite awhile with a silence waiting to be cut.

"I better get to class, don't want to be late on my first day. Kind of want to make a good first impression in a new school." I awkwardly chuckle and walk away slowly.

Man first day and I'm already crushing on someone. I better take it slow.

- 3rd Period - Math -

Okay, first 2 periods went really well. Let's hope this one gets by quickly.

"Okay class, find your seats, and choose wisely." The teacher says

I sit in the middle row in the middle table putting my stuff down, and these blue eyes meet mine. Liam. He sits next to me and puts his stuff down.

"Hey." he says

"Hi." I reply, I look forward not taking the greeting to a conversation.

"Great. That will be your permanent seat for the year" the teacher says, I just simply smile.

Jeez, I'm smiling a lot today.

During class I start to sketch in my notebook earning a look from the teacher.

"Miss Clark, do you have something you want to show me?" He says quite irritated. I shake my head and continue with class.

I close my eyes and a blurry vision starts appearing.

I'm walking, but it seems like it would never end. I see a glow as things started to get darker and darker, suddenly that glow disappeared.

I look around for a sign....nothing. The glow came back but it was no longer light it was red as blood with a look of hunger for my life. I run but it doesn't seem like I'm going anywhere.

It was my alpha the one I had run away from, the one that gave me the bite, the one who gave me my strength, healing and ability.

The one who can end it.

I lay lifeless on the ground bleeding until there was no blood to shed. It was the end.

I open my eyes realising I was frozen and Liam is standing there shaking me but it was just a vision I close and open my eyes and it's Scott thats shaking me ferociously. I could feel my claws forming and my canines growing, my eyes ready to turn blue, but it seemed as though I couldn't move.

Everyone else was gone.

"Avi, Avi? Aviana!" The slight noise rang through my ears, Malia walks into the room running towards me, "Avi calm down," It's hard to see, "It's me, Malia" Everything I hear is in a ruffled sound. I close my eyes once more before falling into a deep trance of my memories.



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