7 fourth year: seventh letter

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You are being absolutely mental, Granger. And for you that is saying a lot. You have truly exceeded yourself on this one. What in the bloody name of all that is right and holy is a spew? Sounds like a sound you would make when someone told a joke while you are drinking whatever it is that you drink.

He knows that her favorite drink is butterbeer, he never liked it in the first place but he found himself consuming a lot of it these days.

Do you want to hear a joke, Granger?

Here goes, what has an owl nest for hair and saucer plates for teeth?

There you go. You're quite ace at riddles, aren't you? 50 points for logic and smarts, right?

You'd figure it out.

You can shout the answer while you raise the house- elves into arms. Merlin, this here is just another attempt goblin rebellion! Couldn't even be original, could you? What have you gotten yourself into? Perhaps I'll let Rita Skeeter know. I know how you and your gang are just hungry for it.

Good day.

Draco entered the empty classroom and crossed the empty chairs and tables to get to Hermione who was sitting at the center of the room.  He let the advertising pamphlet that Hermione used to write the agenda of S.P.E.W. free fall back in her desk. She looked up from the book that she was reading and caught the note before it fell. Draco already has his back turned, he wouldn't be caught dead in an empty room with a mudblood.

Even though he doesn't feel like leaving.

Come on. Stop me. Say something.

"Not even going to try to be subtle, are we?" she snapped. There was a rustling of crisp parchments against wood. Of course. She wouldn't let this go.

"What?" Draco tried to look annoyed at her even though a smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth. He had her. "Mind what you are saying, Mudblood. I just came by to get my things."

She squinted her eyes at him, clearly unamused, "First of all this is not our classroom and second,"  she pointed to his empty hands, "You clearly have nothing on you!"

He cocked an eyebrow and looked down at her. "How sure are you about that?" His lips were just inches from her forehead. She remained eye contact glaring up at him. His breath fanned her skin but she was unaffected. He was however more than aware of how close they were and that he can smell the muggle concoction that she washes her hair with. It smelled of berries. "You're welcome to pat me down."

Hermione raised her hands and put them across his chest...

....and pushed him hard. "You're disgusting, Malfoy. Do you know that?"

He staggered and fell back on the floor. Heat creeped on to his neck. What is this? Embarrassment? Defeat? Or something much more alarming?

She raised up the letter to her face, her cheeks were flushed with anger. "Why can't you see? The world doesn't revolve around you, you know. And you're just a single person. So, if you have what you have and you just point towards a cause that will perhaps just make someone's life just that much better-"

"You're talking about elves- house elves. They live to serve. What other purpose-"

"Whatever they choose," her eyes pierced through him. "A person should have every right to defend himself and choose what he or she wants to do with his life. We only have one after all. Why choose to do others bidding? Why not be free?" Her eyes looked at him with such gentleness that if his resolve was weaker he would have embraced her then and there.

Why not take a chance?

It was a small voice.

Why not be brave?

But it died as soon as he let it out.

Be a bloody Gryffindor, do you mean? He scoffed at the thought.

Hermione was looking at him with such expectation that it made a part of him crumble but the walls only came up stronger when they build themselves around him again. Impenetrable. He noticed the dark circles under her eyes. She must have been helping Potter to prepare for his first task. Potter, always Potter, being the champion, getting all the attention, getting her...

She stood over him with her hand outstretched. You only need to take it. Then you can apologize.

Apologize? You're a Malfoy. We never apologize. Not to anyone. Never to a mudblood.

He stood up and straightened his robes. "And you are more than free to see a dentist about those humongous teeth of yours," he smirked. His cheeks felt weak, like it could not hold it up.

Hermione turned away from him and went back to her papers. Undoubtedly waiting for Potter and The Weasel to arrive. Because it will always just be them, right? Why is he even here in this room?

There was no more reply and Draco knows that he has managed to hit all her weak points all at once. He has hurt her. Pretty badly it seemed because he heard sniffling as he exited the room.

How free is he when he can't even apologize even when he felt like guilt is eating up his insides?

How free is it when he can't even strike up a normal conversation with someone that he wanted to converse with, without offending her and making her want to murder him and his whole clan?

How free is he when he can't even choose his own friends?

Or the girl... The girl that he eventually has to devote his life to?

Has he ever even been free?

He toyed with the family ring on his finger. It was the only thing cool on him. His whole body felt hot. He pressed it against his lips just to remind him of who he is. He shouldn't have thoughts like this. Shouldn't let the mudblood affect him. He's a Malfoy.

'Don't embarrass me, Draco,' the voice echoed on his head over and over. The same amount of times that it had been said in his short lifetime.

"I will never, Father," he whispered to the ring. Swallowing down the urge to go back to the room.

To go back to Hermione.

Because no matter how beautiful she made freedom sound like some people can't bear the weight that comes with it.


News just in- I am now in Slytherin according to Pottermore. But like eleven years ago I was sorted in Gryffindor and I don't know how to feel about it. I mean- wha? Nothing against Slytherin but have a I really changed as a person? I mean, when I entered uni I was a Sanguine but now I am Choleric, so I guess that explains things? Am I actually Divergent? Could I be in the wrong fandom? >__< Hahaha! I didn't even read Insurgent so fat chance. XD

Song at the top is 'Asshole' from the movie Rudderless. It just showcases how Draco is aware that he is indeed an asshole. 'Rudderless' is a modern musical, it's angsty and effing brilliant. It will make you catch feels! GO.WATCH.IT!

Dedicated to the lovely kamiie for continuous votes. :)

Don't be shy and comment, guys! ^__^

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