11 fifth year: eleventh letter

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Weasley cannot save a thing,

He cannot block a single ring,

That's why Slytherins all sing:

Weasley is our King.

Weasley was born in a bin,

He always lets the Quaffle in,

Weasley will make sure we win,

Weasley is our King.

Weasley is our King,

Weasley is our King,

He always lets the Quaffle in,

Weasley is our King.

Draco smirked down at Hermione as her brown eyes traveled down the piece of parchment. "Penned and rhymed by yours truly. Like it, Granger?"

"You're insufferable, Malfoy," she snapped at him, throwing down the parchment. She was going to go at him again but Crabbe and Goyle emerged from behind him and covered him from any potential punches.

He pointed to the crown under his prefect pin, it said 'Weasley is our King'. "Had it made and delivered over night. Impressive what money can do, right?" He cocked an eyebrow.

Hermione bit her lip in frustration, "The only ones who'll be impressed with a feat like that are gold digging thickheads."

As if on cue Pansy Parkinson and her gang of Slytherin girls passed by. "Nice pin, Draco," she said sweetly as she pointed the similar one beneath her prefect pin. Then she made a rude hand gesture to Hermione, to which she only rolled her eyes.

"Proves my point more than accurately," she said, almost to herself. Draco was almost tempted to laugh with her but decided against it.

So he laughed at Hermione instead while he smoothed down his platinum blonde hair. "I only live to tell the truth. Don't blame me, blame your boyfriend."

Then there it was.

The thought that fueled every single word of hatred.

The moment he saw them walking towards him and the other prefects in the train compartment, he knows that he has to make someone suffer. They were too perfect together. The genius and the jester. The owl's nest and the bright flash of red. Both wearing their Gryffindor uniforms. They started bickering the moment they both touched the door handle. Draco watched in loathing through the glass window. The tip of The Weasel's ears are red and Granger was glaring at him. They both tried to enter the prefect's compartment at the same time and they stumbled in together and in a vomit inducing sort of way, The Weasel caught Hermione in his gangly arms before she fell flat on the floor. Then they both burst out laughing.

It made Draco sick.

Sick on all possible levels.

So sick that he wrote poems about how horrible The Weasel is.

Go on, deny it. Deny it, Granger.

Then in a smaller voice. So small he could barely recognize that it was still him, him speaking inside his own head. I beg of you, Hermione. Say it's not true.

"Better someone who risks everything to get something he wants than some coward who hides behind his so called friends to bully someone who is doing his best at something he loves," Hermione shouted at him. Draco was taken back. "Better him than you, Malfoy. Ron will always be better than you."

She picked up the parchment from the floor, ripped it into pieces and threw it in the air towards Draco and his wall of minions. She set it on fire as it slowly fell like snow from hell on a Christmas morning. It rained fire on them as she glared at him. He felt the sparks in the air instead of the heat that made Crabbe and Goyle jump around. But looking at Granger who only has pure hatred in her eyes, perhaps he was the only one. The parchments have all turned to ash, breaking into smithereens, the moment they hit the floor.

Draco curled his upper lip at her in utter disgust. Well, at least it looked like that to anyone who was passing. But in reality he was feeling something else. Something foreign. Something he has never felt before.


It hit him harder than any bludger ever could.

What if she's right? What if that pauper had something he never has? And he knows- he knows that he doesn't has to crane his neck too hard to see what it was.

"What are we supposed to do then, Granger? Laugh?" Crabbe and Goyle laughed immediately. "You're completely mental."

"I don't need you to prove my sanity, Malfoy," she turned her back on him and walked away. Harry was walking towards their corner, she ran up to him. She pointed at Draco while whispering on Potter's ear.

Potter was about to storm towards Malfoy but Hermione held him back, they both ran away.

Draco watched from behind Crabbe and Goyle as she ran away with the Boy Who Lived probably to do another mission for the sodding Order.

He knows they'll meet their end.

He knows that from the start. His father told him.

And he knows that in the end whatever it is that he has for Hermione will never end.

But not because it's everlasting. Dear Merlin, no.

But rather because how could you ever end something that was not even started?


The ones that grew up with Harry Potter truly are the lucky ones. I had to experience it with my wisdom teeth coming out, internships and insurance planning. *sigh* I really need the magic. If it's not too obvious. But don't worry I am still one of you, fellow young people. *rubs hand together while grinning*

Song up top is 'Everything I Ask For' by The Maine. I mean, this fanfic accurately depicts my feels when I was 15 and in high school. It's like you want to fight boys but make out with them too? Idk. XD

Yeah, some parts are short and some parts are long. I just think that they should have added the chant in the movie.

Dedicated to the lovely @AnjaliNisha for all the votes and comments and just for being the sweetest.

Every vote and comment really means the world to me, guys! We're now on to 500+ reads! XD

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