32 yours in agitation, apprehension, appreciation

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Don't go near the sodding hippogriff. Stroke the Monster Book of Monsters to open it. Don't be a prat to Hagrid. Don't go near Hermione as much, she also has a time turner, you will repel each other. Stay away from the bloomsakes strawberry flavored suckers they'll give you chin pimples.

Maybe even ask her out to Honeydukes. Or just buy her something-- anything that will make her feel that you seriously want to be friends with her.

Don't fall in love with her. Don't make it difficult for all involved.

And don't kiss the pureblood girl that your father will introduce you to. You will never remember her name thirty years later and it will not go for a good story.

Draco Malfoy is now thirteen years old and loving it. He has grown taller and leaner. His eleven year old self was cute, his twelve year old self cuter but everyone knows that the real money lies in the teen years. All the girls noticed, of course, and by all he meant most of the Slytherins, Ravenclaws, a few reluctant Hufflepuffs and some Gryffindors that were extra snappy with him.

And Hermione Granger.

But not in the way that wants.

He was interrogated one rainy Saturday afternoon in the library when he was alone, none of his minions to cover for him. She was there waiting for him by the bookshelves on the Muggle Studies aisle. It has to be known at some point that curiosity won him over, he stole a class syllabus to self study because his father is going disown him faster than he can say 'Atari' (a muggle toy maker that produces things that supposed to rival magic).


He dropped all the books on purpose and grabbed onto his cashmere jumper over his heart, pretending to have had a heart halt (for there was no such thing as 'heart attack' in the wizarding world). "Granger, you scared me half to death. You know with hair and teeth like that you shouldn't go lurking in the dark."

Of course, he didn't mean that. He thought she was was absolutely adorable in her olive green dress and yellow socks with her black leather shoes. It just turns him on.

What is with him these days?

Oh, yes. He's going through puberty. Again.

She was instantly livid with anger, cheeks pink and puffing. But she was able to control herself. "And with a face like that, Malfoy. I wouldn't eat with cutlery or go out at night when the moon is crescent." She stroked her chin mockingly. Jabbing straight at his one insecurity.

But he was quick of wit as well. "And I wouldn't go out on a full moon if I were you, we don't want you disturbing the peace."

Even he knows that it's a low blow. Werewolves are seen as the scum of society but he wouldn't apologize just yet, she called him out on his chin afterall.

"How dare you!"

"I always dare. Thank you very much. Has to be one of the reasons why you can't stay away," he shrugged. She walked towards him closer and he can't help but notice that thirteen years was good to Hermione as well. Her face is nearly losing it's childish roundness to be replaced with a more refined oval shape. Her dark brown curls have turned a hue lighter perhaps due to an extended time under the sun from their break. Lashes grown longer giving her a doe eyed look. Her lips-- what is that on her lips? It smelled sweet and it had a sheer shine, it was almost a light red. Like a nearly ripe apple.


"You think I didn't know? You were the one who put flees on Buckbeak! Now they are going to lock him up or worse put down and skinned! What did he ever do to you?" She was going to hit him the chest but he dodged smoothly.

Yours in Mayhem |DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now