The Wanteds - 1

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There I was riding at the back seat of our car, it was the middle of summer, and I was leaving. Leaving the place I called home for many years, which in my opinion, was a bad idea. I really missed the place already, even though it was just 15 minutes after we left. My friends were really upset when I told them we were leaving, so my mom told me that the place we were going were full of people, so I can have many friends. The trip would be a 2 hour trip, so I went to sleep, and snowbell slept in my lap which was really heavy.

I woke up when our car stopped. We were at a gasoline station, so me and my sister decided to go to the mini mart. We bought some snacks for our trip and I think we're gonna arrive for about half an hour. When me and my sister went inside, it was freezing, the place was empty except for the guy who works here. We bought some chips, some water bottles and other foods.

"Lily, I'm gonna use the bathroom, tell mom to wait." I said.

"Sure." Lily said.

When I went inside, the place was dirty and I was feeling uncomfortable.

After I went to the bathroom, I saw three kids, two girls and one boy, they looked like teens, just like me. I went outside and my sister was waiting for me.

"What took you so long?" Lily said.

"Sorry," I said. We went inside the car and drove again on the road.

I went to sleep again, It was a rough day.

"Maxx! Wake up!" Lily said.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I said.

We already arrived in our new house. It was messy from the inside, but a little cleaning would do the trick. We unpacked our bags and carried them inside.

For about a week we managed to clean the house. Summer was almost over, me and my sister went to a department store for school supplies. When we already lined up to pay for our stuff, I saw those three kids again, from the looks of it they are also buying school supplies. We already paid for our stuff and went back home, the line was pretty long so we arrived late.

Dinner was prepared and mom was furious that we arrived late. After we ate dinner me and Lily went to sleep, both of us had to share a room since there's no more space in the house. The night already passed and it was morning. School's about to start tomorrow, We have to get ready for our things, Lily's really excited to meet new people and make new friends.

As I woke up in the morning, my sister was shaking me until I was awake.

"Come on Maxx, wake up! We're gonna be late!" Lily said.

"What!It's still 5:00 in the morning!" I said.

"But I'm too excited that I woke up early, besides mom already made breakfast."


After I took a bath, we ate breakfast, then we went to school. When we arrived at school, the place was crowded. It was full of students. We went to find our room but we're new here and don't know where it is, so we asked some students.

"Excuse me, Do you know where Room 307 is?" I asked.

"Oh, It's just on the third floor, after you take the stairs go left and the second door you see is room 307.." the guy said.

"Thank you"

We did as the guy told us, after that we arrived in our room. there were only few students inside, most of them must be late. As always me and Lily always sit beside each other. Most of the students already arrived with the teacher, and from what I saw was those three kids I saw from the mini mart and the department store.

They sat near me and Lily, I don't think that they noticed me when I saw them.

The class started, and the teacher said that she was a science teacher, and science was my favorite subject.

The bell ringed, and it was lunch time. All of us went downstairs to the canteen. When we sat down three kids sat with us.

"Hi, Mind if we sit down with you two?" the girl said.

"Sure" Lily said.

"We hadn't introduced ourselves, My name is Elizabeth and the girl beside me is Raven, and the boy beside me is Vincent." Elizabeth said.

"Nice to meet you" I said.

"Say, are you the new kids that moved here?" Raven asked.

"Yeah" Lily said.

"We know that we just met now, but what about were gonna sit together everytime in lunch? What do you say?" Vincent asked.

"Sure, actually you guys are the first friends we had, since we're new here" I said.

"Well now you guys have one, or should I say three." Elizabeth said.

As they ate lunch they went back to their rooms. The bell ringed again, and the class already ended. The 5 friends walked home together.

"So, See you guys tomorrow." I said.

"Bye!" The Five of us said.

Me and Lily arrived home, after that we worked on our assignments, and then we ate dinner.

"So how's school?" Mom asked.

"It was great, we met new friends." Lily said.

"See, I told you it would be great." Mom said.

After we ate dinner we went to sleep. We changed into our pajamas and brushed our teeth.

"Lights out." I said.

"Night" Lily said.

"Night" I said.

Then I turned off the light.

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