The Wanteds - 5

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The weekend was over and it's time to go to school. Vincent and others are waiting outside. We walked all the way to school, talking about how much we learned in training. When we arrived at school our prof. was waiting to start the class.

The bell rung and we went down to eat lunch. We step in line to get our lunch.

"So guys, are you excited for our next training?" Vincent asked.

"Well yeah, I'm actually curious what uncle Vernon is preparing for us this Friday." Raven said.

"Perhaps it's all about... Target Practice?" Lily suggested.

"Maybe, perhaps it's... Picking the right weapon for combat." Raven said.

"Well... we just have to wait and find out." I said.

We picked up our food and sat down in our table. We talked about this Friday. We were full of curiosity for our training. The bell rung and we went upstairs. We continued our class.

As the days passed by, it was Friday today. We went to Vincent's house to wait for uncle Vernon to come. We waited for so long it was night time already.

"Where is he? He's never this late before." Elizabeth said.

"You're right, he's never been this late. I'm gonna call him." Vincent said.

When Vincent picked up his phone and dialed uncle Vernon, there was a letter slipping through the mail box.

"What's this?" I said.

"Let me see." Vincent said, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Let's open it." Raven said.

Vincent gasped when he opened the letter.

"What is it?!" Elizabeth asked.

"Uncle Vernon has been captured!" Vincent shouted.

"What?! By who?!" I asked.

"I don't know, it didn't say who it's from." Vincent said.

"What'll we do?" Lily asked.

"It said here that if we want uncle Vernon back, we have to go in the forest. It also said that we shouldn't call the cops." Vincent said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go there now!" Raven said.

We went to the forest quickly to get Uncle Vernon back. It was dark, so we went in carefully. These guys are dangerous, there might be traps waiting for us, so we separated so we won't be trapped all at once. Me and Lily went together, Elizabeth and Raven, while Vincent went alone.

"HELP! RAVEN!" Elizabeth screamed.

"Elizabeth?" Raven shouted.

"Raven, HELP! I've been caught on a trap!" Elizabeth screamed.

"Just wait, I'll get help." Raven said. 

When Raven ran to get help, She was caught by a trap.

"OH COME ON!" Raven shouted.

Me and Lily went to the deepest part of the forest. Lily opened her bag and looked for a flashlight. We were lucky she brought one. She turned it on and pointed it to the ground.

"Hey Maxx, look." Lily said, pointing to the ground.

"These are foot prints. Must be from the people that kidnapped uncle Vernon." I said

"Should we follow it?" Lily asked.

"I don't know, it must be a trap, but I still think we should follow it. It might lead us to uncle Vernon." I said.

So the two of us followed the foot prints. We kept on following the foot prints until we ended up in a grove, and we saw uncle Vernon tied up in a tree.

"Look it's uncle Vernon!" Lily shouted

"Kids? HELP! Before they come back!And watch out for traps!" Uncle Vernon shouted.

"We should use some rocks so we won't be the one getting caught by their traps." I said.

"Great idea." Lily said.

We throw some rocks everywhere so we won't get caught in their traps. There were really traps every where surrounding uncle Vernon.

"Are all of the traps de-activated?" I asked.

"Probably." Lily answered.

"So... can you untie me now?" Uncle Vernon asked.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you." I said.

Me and Lily walked up to uncle Vernon, when a net just grabbed and us and hung us in the tree.

"DANG IT!" I shouted.

"That's a bummer." Uncle Vernon said.

Suddenly, a bush was rattling. It was Vincent.

"Vincent! Help us!" Lily shouted.

"Are you guys already caught that easily?" Vincent asked.

"Just untie us already." I said.

"Ok, Ok." Vincent said.

Vincent untied all of us and looked for Raven and Elizabeth, we went to our training camp when we escaped.

"So who really kidnapped you uncle Vernon?" Elizabeth asked.

"It was... A TEST!" Uncle Vernon shouted.

"WHAT?!" The five of us shouted.

"Why do you guys look so angry?" Uncle Vernon asked.

"Because, we went to the forest in the night, we escaped from my mother, and we were tired from finding you!" Vincent shouted, angrily.

"Wow, I never knew you guys felt that way." Uncle Vernon said.

"What do you think?!" Raven shouted.

"Well... Sorry. What about this, in return from your anger, let's go to that pizza place so all of us will be cool." Uncle Vernon said.

"Well... we can't decline that delicious idea." Raven said.

"Yeah... Let's go with that idea." I said.

So we went to the pizza place and celebrated our victory, but the applause was all for Vincent since he was the one who "rescued" uncle Vernon. We asked uncle Vernon if we are gonna train tomorrow and he said "yes". He also said that our training will be all about target practice and picking the right weapon for combat, Lily and Raven was right.

We went back at Vincent's house to get our things. Uncle Vernon brought some weapons like guns and crossbows. When we arrived, uncle Vernon brought out his weapons. He wants us to pick the right weapon. I picked a crossbow and a sniper. He brought out some dummies and had some target painted on them. All of us got a bull's eye, it was really easy. We continued practicing, uncle Vernon said that we'll have a shooting test tomorrow. We went to sleep so we can rest for tomorrow.

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