The Wanteds - 4

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I was awakened from the sound of a trumpet. It was actually uncle Vernon blowing the trumpet.

"Uncle Vernon stop that!" Vincent shouted.

"That's why I told you to sleep early because we're gonna train!" Uncle Vernon shouted back.

"Come on guys stop fighting." Elizabeth said.

"Sorry." Two of them said, still smirking at each other.

"What's all the commotion about?" Raven asked.

"Don't worry about it, it's just another family issue." Lily said.

"So... what to do now?" I asked.

"First, we should eat breakfast and second, I believe we're gonna train again." Vincent said.

"Well, that's what I was about to say." Uncle Vernon said.

"So, what to eat?" Raven asked.

"We've got some sausages and I'm gonna catch some fish. You guys should start the fire." Uncle Vernon said.

"Ok." Elizabeth said.

Vincent started the fire and I went with uncle Vernon to catch some fish. There were many fishes in the river and some of them were brown trouts. I studied about these fishes in science class. Our professor said that the brown trout is hard to catch since they are fast at swimming, but uncle Vernon just captured one even he was just using his hands.

"How can you catch a fish with just bare hands?" I asked.

"That's what you call skills." Uncle Vernon answered.

"Cool." I said.

He continued catching some fish with his bare hands. After we were done we went back at camp. The fishes were heavy since we caught a lot. When we arrived at camp, Vincent and the others already cooked the sausages.

They were shocked when they saw me and uncle Vernon carrying the fishes.

"That's a lot of fishes." Raven said.

"Are those brown trouts?" Lily asked.

"Yup, and they're your favorite." I said.

I have a feeling that this night won't go as we planned, uncle Vernon and Vincent are still mad at each other. We cooked the fishes and ate them. Living in the wild was hard but I think that uncle Vernon would find it easy enough here.

We continued training and this time it was all about strategy. We played "Capture the Flag". It was five on one, the five of us and uncle Vernon. He said that if we lose the game we would clean his house for the weekend and if we win he would buy us pizza. He must be really good at this since he's the only one in his team. The five of us planned.

"All of us should attack him, and the two of us will distract him and the girls get the flag!" Vincent said

"What if it's a trick, we should leave someone here to stay as defense." Raven said.

"That's a great idea, we might get tricked. It's all about strategy." I said.

"So... who votes for Raven's plan?" Lily asked.

The four of us raised our hands.

"Fine! I'll go with Raven's plan." Vincent said.

Elizabeth and Lily volunteered to stay
and guard our flag, While me, Vincent and Raven attacked. Our first strategy was Raven distracting uncle Vernon, our second strategy was Vincent holding off uncle Vernon so I can get the flag. But our plan failed, it was just a dummy of uncle Vernon. He told us that it was one of his plans about strategy and we forgot about it.

"A dummy?!" Raven said.

"So that means uncle Vernon must be near our base!" I said.

"Good thing Lily and Elizabeth were there guarding."

"Even if they're guarding the flag uncle Vernon is better than them at fighting, and I don't really want to clean uncle Vernon's house." Raven said.

"We should go there now!" I said.

The three of us went to our base quickly. As we ran through the forest, we encountered a giant lion. It was bigger than the other lions you see in a zoo.

"This is bad." Vincent said.

"Let's just remember what uncle Vernon taught us about encountering a wild animal." I said.

"But do you still remember what he told us?" Raven asked.

"Not really, he only taught us about wild boars and alligators." I said.

"We're gonna die!" Vincent screamed.

"Good thing I brought my books and studied about lions. Lions always have a weakness." I said.

"What?! What?! What is it?!" Vincent continued shouting.

"Uhhhhh... I haven't read about their weaknesses yet. But I do know that they can't climb trees." I said, smiling in fear that they might kill me.

"What?!" Vincent and Raven shouted.

The lion roared at us when the two of them shouted. The lion chased us and we don't have a choice from escaping, so we climbed up the tree.

"So... what do we do know?" Vincent asked.

"We can't just wait here. Uncle Vernon might be at our base already." Raven said.

"Hmm... What do you prefer, Swinging or walking through branches?" I asked.

"Swinging." The two of them said.

We gathered some vines and swung to the other vines. We ran out of vines to swing so we went down the tree and ran towards our base, the lion already left when we climbed up the tree. We continued running to our base and when we arrived, we saw uncle Vernon tied up in a rope.

"What took you guys so long?" Lily asked.

"What?" The three of us was shocked.

"How did you guys defeated him?" Vincent asked.

"Well... we set up traps when you guys left, then uncle Vernon stepped into one. We learned from them at survival training." Elizabeth said.

"I can't believe I was defeated by two girls!" Uncle Vernon said.

All of us laughed at uncle Vernon. After that we packed our things and went back to town, then uncle Vernon bought us some pizza. It was the best pizza I've ever tasted. All of us went home since class will start again tomorrow.

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