The Wanteds - 3

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It was 9:00 in the morning when me and Lily woke up. We were packing our stuff for our overnight at Vincent's house. It was now 10:00 so we're ready to go to the Vincent's house.

"There you are!" Vincent said.

"So all of us are here?" I asked.

"Yup." Raven said.

"Ok so let's go inside?" Elizabeth asked

"Sure! Welcome to my house guys!" Vincent said.

So the five of us went to Vincent's room when we went inside.

"I thought that your room would be messy." Raven said.

"Haha, really funny Raven." Vincent said.

"So we can now plan, right?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, we can plan now." Vincent said.

As hours passed when we were planning for a name, it was night time. Vincent invited us to eat dinner with his family. When we were done eating, we continued planning. There were different kinds of names we planned, but it was not fit for us.

"Ughhhh! We've been planning for hours and we still hadn't thought of a name!" Vincent argued.

"So what's the point of this club again?" Lily asked.

"Uhhhhh..." As Elizabeth was remembering.

"Now that you mentioned it, what was the point of our club?" Raven asked.

"Well, I just thought of it now that our club is supposed to be a detective club." Vincent said.

"Well yeah, it is a detective club, but there would be no mysteries or criminals in our school. So what's the point of a detective club?" I said

"What about we stop criminals in our town to stop crimes!" Vincent suggested.

"That could be a great idea, but we're just teenagers." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, it could be dangerous for us." Lily said.

"I already thought of a name just now!" Vincent said.

"What?" All four of us asked.

"The Wanteds!" Vincent said.

"But wouldn't that be the opposite of a detective club?" Elizabeth said.

"Exactly!" Vincent said.

"I know that the principal allows us to make a club, but I think he would say "no" to us if we make a club that is very dangerous." Lily suggested.

"Lily's right, Vincent your plan is a great idea but it's just to dangerous and reckless." I said.

"What about we keep it a secret and hide our club in the woods!" Vincent said.

"But it's still too dangerous." Raven said.

"But we will have a secret training to keep us away from harm." Vincent said.

"And who will teach us that?!" Raven said.

"My uncle, he's really good at self defense, and you can trust him." Vincent said.

"Ok, but let's do that tomorrow. I'm sleepy." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, it's been a long day." Lily said.

"Ok, lights off guys." Vincent said.

As Vincent turned off the light, all of us went to sleep.

The sun already rose up and Vincent's alarm clock was ringing that it woke everyone up. As we woke up, we heard the doorbell ringing. All of us went downstairs, when we opened the door Vincent's uncle was there.

"Alright kids, get ready for some training!" As Vincent's uncle said, smiling in excitement.

"I thought you said you'd come here tomorrow!" Vincent said.

"Well, I was to excited to teach you kids some self defense! and your friends can call me "Uncle Vernon"!" Uncle Vernon said.

"But that's what I call you."

"That's why, so your friends can call me with the name you call me."

"Ugh, fine."

"Ok kids get ready and we'll train in the woods!"

So we did what he said, we all packed some food and extra clothes. When we ate breakfast, Vincent's mom was talking with uncle Vernon, he must have told her that we were going camping, which we were also gonna do. After we ate breakfast, we went to the woods. The woods was actually close to Vincent's house so we have to go there on foot. As soon as we arrived at the training spot, we would directly train.

"Here we are kids, my training spot! I used to train here with my commander, but times passed." Uncle Vernon said.

"This is amazing!" Vincent said with amazement.

"So, if you want to train you have to do whatever I say. Clear!" Uncle Vernon said.

"Clear!" All of us said.

Our training are all about survival, that's why we trained in the forest.

We had a rough day training, but it was all worth it. Uncle Vernon said that we should camp here since we also have to train tomorrow. We set up our camping tents in the woods, we only got a few tents so we have to share. The tents were big so it was fit for three, the girls have the same tent and the boys also have to share. We gathered wood for our campfire, and we made some smores and telling campfire stories.

After we did all of those things uncle Vernon told us that we would train early in the morning tomorrow so we went inside our tents. We went to sleep late and if I was at home mom would scold me. This was my first time camping with my friends and it was fun.

"Ok kids, go get some sleep. We have to train early tomorrow." Uncle Vernon said.

The girls went to their tents, and then we tucked in in our sleeping bags. It was cold in the forest so I have to put all of my body in the sleeping bag. It was really uncomfortable for me sleeping in a sleeping bag besides from a bed, but I have to learn how to survive in nature without gadgets or any electronic stuff which is also part of our training. I really was having doubts about making this club, it was just too dangerous for lily and my friends. But I think I have to worry later and see what will happen in the future. Then I fell asleep.

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