you're leaving?

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Thursday, January 1, 2015


Shawnn: hey

Shawnn: look i know you hate me or something but i just wanna ask if you're okay and if Alex is with you

Al.ana: i'm fine and Alex is out with his guy friend

Shawnn: then go to the park near Chase house

Al.ana: why?



Alana Rios

I groaned and walk to the park. I scanned through the park and saw Alex with a girl. I stop walking and my eyes start burning. Then i walk towards him. I tap his shoulders and he turn around looking at me shocked.

"What are you doing?"Alex asked

"Why? You're shocked because i find you here with other girls holding hands and kissing at the park?"I asked

"Who is she?"The girl asked looking at me

"We're over Alex"I said to him

"You can't do this"Alex said

"This is the second time you've cheated on me"I said

"And i'm his ex now"I said walking away.

I cried on my way back to the apartment. I open the apartment door and start packing my things.

"Alana"Someone said and i turn around. He hugged me and i cried in his chest

"It's okay"He said rubbing my back

"Why would he do that?"I mumbled and he kissed my forehed

"It's okay"He said wiping away my tears

"Mind if i help?"He asked and i nod

He helped me pack my things and we put my stuff inside my car.

"See you around then?"Shawn said hugging me

"Hey, i'm so sorry if i did anything wrong with you"He said

"What? Where are you going?"I asked

"It doesn't matter"He said and i nod slowly

"Stay safe out there"I said walking towards my car and drive back to my house

I unpack my stuff and take a bath. I put on my clothes and fall asleep.


Friday, January 2, 2016

4:27 a.m.


Shawn Mendes

I walked into her room and saw her sleeping in her bed. I put the note next to her phone and i sit next to her. I kissed her forehead and sigh.

"I love you Alana, i really do"I said

"Stay safe"I said kissing her forehead again.

I walked out of her house and walk back to the hotel.

"Ready?"Cameron asked and i nod

"If you need anything call me"Chase said and we all drive to the airport

One by one we left the city and it's finally my plane.

"I'll miss you guys"Taylor said hugging me and i hug the others

"Chase, make sure Alana is okay"I said and he nod

"Bye guys, see you soon"I said and i left the city


Alana Rios

I wake up and grabbed my phone but instead i grabbed a paper. I open the letter and see a messy handwriting.

Hey Alana, i'm so sorry if i've hurt you. I'm so sorry. I left today, i left to catch up my dreams. Well kinda. I'm so sorry for saying this through a paper not from my own mouth. I wanted to hug you and tell you that i still loved you but i can't because i know that you loved Alex more then you loved me. But i can promise you that you'll never be alone. I may be far but never gone. I hate to say this but i can't promise you that we will meet again. Maybe we will meet someday but we never know when. I could be next year or months later. I will miss you. I just wanted to know that i loved you. See you soon i guess?

I grabbed my phone and text him.


Al.ana: shawn

Al.ana: please tell me this is just a joke.

Al.ana: why didn't you tell me yesterday that you were leaving?

Al.ana: i'm sorry

Al.ana: i love you



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