Chapter 13

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Third (Final) Challenge: Rescue

For the last challenge, I had to hang from the side of the ship. Literally hang there. And then wait for someone to rescue me. Lord help me.

Sephira and Faith show up and hand me a rope. I tie it into a hude slip knot and then step into it, slide it up to my waist and sinch it tight.  I check it and then wring my hands nervously.

"Adella, don't worry about it. You'll be fine. I promise." Sephira says, looking into my eyes. They remind me of her brother's. I never want to live without seeing them.

"Adella, you don't have to do this. You don't have to decide like this. Use your brain. You're intelligent. You know what's right." Faith, the voice of reason, assures me. I look at her, and am somehow reminded of the captain. He is so unique. I can't imagine not seeing them ever again.

They lead me to the side of the deck when I don't say anything. They guide one foot over the rail and down when I snap.

"No. Just no." I murmur, out of the blue.

"I'm sorry, pardon?" Asks Faith.

"No." I say louder. "I will not do this. I could not do it to them. I have to choose. On my own."

"What about Gus and Harrison? Do you want to re-choose them too?" Asks Sephira, not unkindly.

"No." I repeat, stepping back over the rail to the deck. "I knew Gus wasn't right. I just needed a reason to say no. And Harrison, he has shown what he would be like if and when I stepped out of line. I want ot be free."

"Adella, you can't be free. Not in this world."

"I not what everyone expects me to be! I'm just not."

"Then how do you expect to be a princess? Or a Captain's wife?" Asks Faith, being, again, the voice of reason.

"I don't know! I just don't!" I scream and then run away. I find myself in a hallway that I have never been in before. I keep walking to the end of the hall where there is a 'porthole' that is half submerged. I sit and stare out the window, lost in thought.

What the Hell am I even doing? I don't even know. Why the Hell do I not fit in? Why can I not just be a perfect Lady and be perfect? The woman the Prince and the Captain deserve? They're both honest, amazing men. I don't deserve both they're affections. Do I even have them? I mean seriously! Weird, brunette, non-conformist me? For God's sake! I'm not even pretty! I don't understand! At all. AT ALL. I just wish that it wasn't so complicated. I wish I wasn't so complicated. I'm so damn weird. So damn NOT 'womanly'. I say damn! My point is proven! To yourself, idiot. Oh shut up. You can't tell me to shut up because I am you! Whatever. I'm done. Clearing my mind... Clearing my mind...


I look up, startled. "Oh, hello." I say with a smile on my face when I see who it is.

"That's all I get? Just 'Oh, hello'?"


"Well alright then!" He says with a wry smile on his face. He helps me up and takes me by the hand and leads me down the hall. He is walking so fast, I'm tripping over my own feet trying not to step on his.

"Where are we going?" I ask, laughing and breathless.

"You'll see!" He says and I can almost hear the smile I know is playing on his lips. We keep going for a while and then stop by a door. A nice looking door too, if I might add. He pushes it open, and guides me in with a hand on my lower back.

I look around and judge the room to be a bedroom, if I'm to go by the bed in the middle of it.

"Um, what?" I ask.

"Go sit on the bed." He says.

"No!" I exclaim, horrified. "Absolutely not!"

"Why not?"

"I still have dignity! And my pride! You can't just take advantage of me!"

"Oh, Adella, my sweet Adella, how could you think that of me? I would never do that to you! I love you far too much! Oh Adella, my love." He squeezes my hands as he says this, looking deep into my eys. I stare back and marvel at how I never realized just how deep his are. "Could you please, just sit on the bed?"

I smile and nod, trusting him to be a gentleman. I walk over, and sit on the edge of the bed. He walks over smiles at me and then plants one knee on the floor.

"Adella Anabelle Harrison, I love you. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"


AW!!!!!!!! Who is it???????

(Alternative ending that makes me super happy: "Adella, you can't be free. Not in this world."

"Then I shall go away with the doctor in the T.A.R.D.I.S. never to be seen again."


"Well, come on, Adella Harrison! Allons-y!" Shouts the Doctor from the T.A.R.D.I.S.

I smile. "Whisk me away Doctor! Show me the universe." I step inside the T.A.R.D.I.S. and we travel to Earth 200 years from them, get married and then travel the universe and time together and I forget the troubles I had had.

I never return.)


Anyways, any guesses as to who it is?

I do know who it is! I chose. All by myself. Cuz you guys didn't comment. You suck. (Well, minus BlackCatBlackSoul! Love ya, girly!)

Anyways, love ya! Guess!

<3 Eve.

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