Chapter 3

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THe piercing sound of my phone ringing woke me up from my slumber.  I didn't end up falling asleep until 4 so I was going to be exhausted all day, even if I woke up a day later.  I grouchily crawled out of bed sluggishly to reach my phone, charging on the only outlet on the opposite side of the small room.  

"Hello?" I said in my morning voice.  I looked over at the wall clock to see that it actually was 2 in the afternoon.

"Did I wake you up? It's Mateo by the way," the person on the other line said.  His voice was the type of voice that could not be forgotten and made anyone want to just strip themselves of their clothing and rape him.  

"Yeah, but I had to wake up sometime, right? What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you still wanted to hang out tonight.  Maybe we could go to a movie or something," he said.

"Oh, little brother, are you gonna sit in the back row," I heard someone in the background of the other line say and then burst into tears.

"Sorry, that was Moises.  He's so annoying sometimes."  I could feel Mateo turn red with embarressment through the phone.

"Don't worry, its fine.  He's funny.  Yeah, i'd love to hang out.  Should I meet you somewhere or--?"

"Are you kidding? Babe, I'll pick you up.  Text me your address, and I'll see you at 7," he interrupted.  I liked guys that were gentleman enough to pick a girl up.

"Alright, I'll text you.  See ya," I said.  I suddenly got a lot more excited.  It soon became 6:30 and I was video chatting with Jake to help me pick out an outfit.  I was torn between the Brandy Jada dress and the Brandy Nora dress.  He personally thought they looked the same, but it was two completely different looks.  The Jada dress was decorated with black flowers and was white overall and I would pair that with my signature black Docs.  The Nora dress was navy blue and patterned with little white flowers and I would wear that with flats.  I ended up choosing the Jada dress outfit because it was more me.  I was into the edgy look, I guess you could say.  I let my hair fall naturally and I put simple makeup.  I always think that it's best to let little imperfections show at casual events and then shock everyone with how pretty and flawless you look at fancy high-key events.  

At precisely 7, I heard a knock on my door.  I walked over and opened it to see a bouqet of flowers with legs.  

"Is it too cheesy?" Mateo asked as he slowly lowered the flowers from covering his perfect face.  This reminded me of when Andrew Garfield from Amazing Spiderman stuck his face in the flowers he was going to give to Emma Stone's character.  It was adorable.

"Yes, but lucky for you, I like cheese," I said, grabbing the flowers out of his hand and putting them in a glass of water I had not finished.  Classy, right? I know, you don't need to tell me.

"You live in a sketchy neighborhood, I hope you realize," he said, walking down the stairs of the complex and to his nice Mercedes car.

"It's not that bad.  It's a reality check."  He opened the door of the car to let me in, which was really cute.  

"So, where are we headed?" The car was already started up and pulling out of the lot.  

"Well, if you are asking about good food places, you are asking the wrong person."

"And why is that?" he asked, staring at me.  I pushed his face in the view of the road and said,

"Because all I eat is tacos and chinese."

He started laughing, "I guess I'm deciding.  Wanna go to this italian restaurant that's in the same mall as the theatre? We can go after the movie so we have stuff to talk about, yeah?"

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