Chapter 4: Who's the hottie?

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Bad Intentions

I wake up to the annoying sound of my phone's alarm and I try my best to get up because I'm exhausted from my lack of sleep.

I get up anyway and go to my closet filled with clothes. I pick out a light grey crewneck and light washed ripped jeans. When I get dressed I do my makeup which consists of foundation, mascara, a little bit of lipstick or lipgloss, and that's basically it. Once in awhile winged eyeliner.
I brush my straight light brown hair that goes down to my lower back and I just leave it.

I greet my mom when I see her already ready for work eating some breakfast. I put on my white converse and I go into the kitchen where my mom is at the island In the center.

"Good morning honey" she kisses my forehead and I smile and say "good morning mom" back to her. My moms young so she knows all about the new trends and all and I can just talk to her if anythings ever on my mind because she's always there for me.
"You hungry?" She asks me even though she's well aware of my eating disorder she just asks in case one day I try to eat. I shake my head a no.

"Ok then come here let's take some fun vitamins!" She says with a toothy smile and I chuckle

She works a lot with kids so she's used to talking like that about medicine and stuff but I think it's nice.
I have to take medication and vitamins so I don't ya know die or feel sick.

After I take everything my mom and I head out the door and are on our way to my school to drop me off.

"Bye mom. Love you" I say as I shut the door and she rolls down the window closest to me

"Love you more tors have a nice day at school! When I get home I was thinking about baking." She says and I lean on the window

"Actually a boy invited me to a party and i made like two friends and they wanted me to go with them" when I was halfway done talking she gave me an excited look

"You were invited to a party by a boy?!" She says happily

"Yes he's actually our neighbor but not for him, I might go for only the girls I met, Julie and Meghan"

"Aw ok honey well go before you're late and I want to meet your friends!" She says and I nod walking off



"You should eat something" Julie said
And I shook my head no

"I'm not really hungry. Breakfast was enough for me" I said

"Bet you didn't eat that either" a familiar voice says and when I look up Wesley is walking away. I glare at him and roll my eyes

"So the party?" Meghan asked

"Maybe." I said

"We're going!" Julie says and claps her hands gleefully

"I have the perfect outfit for you. And Meghan is great at makeup" Julie says

"Uh I have clothes and what's wrong with my makeup?" I pout

"Nothing." Meghan said giving Julie a look
"You're beautiful I just like doing makeup and aye you're new. You have to meet the hotties" she says smirking

"Ah ok. Fine I'll go. But I'm wearing my clothes. You can pick them out but I'm wearing my clothes thank you" I said

"Ok ok. You might not even fit in our clothes. Like we're skinny but you're tiny how is that even possible" Meghan said and I shrugged

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