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"...I don't understand..." - John Watson


Clara Oswald was a bundle of excitement when she picked up the phone as Sherlock rang. 'Hello,' he said in that deep voice waiting for an answer. Instead he was returned with a squeal and laughter.

'Guess what, guess what, guess what?!' Clara squeaked.

'Someone exciting a presume that you will end up telling me anyway. Your tone is trying to get me excited too, not as a question. I think it would be something important by the way your yelling on the phone.

'I've got the best job in the universe!' Clara shouted while she jumped up and down in her bed.

'Engaged to royalty?' Sherlock asked trying to push the woman into sharing. She would have to forget about keeping some things a secret someday.

Clara laughed as she finally flopped down on her bed amongst the purple and navy cushions and rugs. 'That's not even a real job,' she said as Oscar the black kitten snuggled up in the crook of her elbow. He yawned loudly as Clara tickled his ears.

'Well in the marriage world it is. You would have just gained the highest trust and wealth in Britain.'

'And what do you know about marriage?' she retorted making Sherlock fall silent. 'That's what I thought.'

'So what is this job?' Sherlock asked slightly embarrassed.

'I'm not saying a thing,' she replied and grinned at her ceiling. Oscar chose that moment to start meowing loudly like a baby lion attempting to roar.

'You have a cat!' The detective exclaimed rising up from his leather chair and striding over to his maps on the wall. He muttered the sentence over and over as the cogs in his mind whirled. In one fluid motion he grabbed John's laptop and opened up his internet server. 'You have a cat,' Sherlock repeated.

'I gave you another clue didn't I?' Clara wondered. How long would it be till he knew her? But Sherlock wasn't listening. Instead he was muttering 'brilliant' under his breath till as he typed and scrolled through the web. Suddenly slamming the laptop lid he rose up again and crossed out more points on his wall of papers. 'Are you still there Cheekbones?'

'Oh yes,' he breathed still focused on the badly wallpapered wall.

'What was that you went all, weird...'

'Another deduction to narrow it down. Another clue to open a door.' Sherlock breathed as if he had just regained the function.

'Okay, thanks for the poetry, but do you know who I am?'

'Not yet, I need more, I need...' Sherlock stopped and stared at the wall. He was onto something. 'Mycroft.'

Clara's phone beeped as he hung up leaving her confused and bewildered. Had he said Mycroft? No it couldn't be...think Clara think! Oh. She realised with surprise that she had just been employed by Sherlock's brother. She also realised that she had to go see this man tomorrow morning about the job.

'What do you mean you need Mycroft's help?' John asked confused the next day. Sherlock never needed help.

'Don't be ridiculous John, I said I needed to see him!' The detective said running his long pale hands through his hair in frustration. 'But he's not even in the bloody country!'

'Have you tried calling him' John said hands on hips. It was like looking after a five year old some days. Holmes held up his phone screen which held the log. Mycroft had been dialled eleven times without any pick up. 'How do you know he isn't in the country?'

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