1 night

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A man walks in, quietly and silently. Then sits down in a lone booth and buys himself an entire bottle of green apple Ciroc, Hennessy, Skyy Vodka, and begins to start drinking the Ciroc first. After about 15 minutes of lonely moments, a woman walks up to him. They talk for a quiet five minutes. Then the lady gets bored and leaves. After another 15 minutes, another woman walks up to the man and tries to talk to him. Again, the man doesn't seem interested in the conversation. So again, the lady walks up and leaves. Then after finishing the bottle of Ciroc, he stands up and switches his seat and begins to slowly sip his bottle of Hennessy. After finishing that, the mood of the music changes and everyone starts partying and drinking and throwing alcohol everywhere. Everyone notices the man, but no one tries to talk to him.

Again, after finishing the bottle of Hennessy, he is quite drunk, and decides to talk to some girl while drinking the bottle of vodka. He met a model named Maria, and they talked for a little bit. After a while of talking the man ends up taking her back home with him. They pulled up to his drive way and the woman instantly started kissing him and they both kissed for five passionate minutes. After, they get out of the car and walk through his gigantic front door. The man pushes her against a wall and starts kissing and soon enough, they end up in his bedroom with his silk sheet , king sized bed, bay view window of all of West Toronto, and his indoor bar. Soon , they start getting down to touching , and feeling each other's bodies. What was first an innocent conversation turned into that , the woman spends the night. The next morning , the man wakes her up at 7:30 and tells her "Your uber is outside"
"I'm not going to stay"? she replies confused
"No , why would you"? he responds
Giving him the worst look and pushing him , she leaves , but before going through the door , she tells him "We spent the night together, but I don't even know you're name"
"It's Jahron , now leave , I have work to do"
She leaves and leaves Jahron alone , with his silk sheet , king sized bed, bay view window of all of West Toronto, and his indoor bar.

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