Just Be Friends

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I glanced at the clock on the opposite side of the wall, watching one of the long, slim hands turn slowly in a circle as it counted the minutes in an hour. My eyes stayed glued to the clock as I figured out the amount of minutes left in my shift until it was over, until I would get to see her again. And, it was too many. 

"Luka, are you okay?" Someone asked from behind me, and I glanced back over my shoulder to see who. Of course, it was my manager with her tired half smile and apologetic stare.

"Sorry, just a bit pre occupied," I said, turning my body towards her and bowing my head, "I'll get back to work." 

The rest of my shift was whisks of consciousness and daydreaming in repetitive cycles. I couldn't help but to think of Miku whenever I got the chance; in between busting tables and serving order, doing dished and welcoming costumes to our cafe. It got to the point where I couldn't focus. Everywhere I looked, I saw her.

I saw what I did to her.

How I hurt her, how she probably hates me. Even how that call was probably some set up; she'd probably be a no-show, leaving me there miserable and alone, like how I must of made her feel after the dinner party with Lily and... well, everything. 

More than anything, I saw what I wanted to do to her.

When I closed my eyes, I saw the day we met for the second time, how I caught her, accidentally, off guard and she began falling into the fountain. I could see us both sitting there in the knee-deep, cool water, laughing. And then I'd see us at my place, standing around in soaking clothes with seductive smiles. I pictured me walking over behind her, arms wrapped around her torso as I peeled off her shirt. The way she nuzzled her chin into the crook of my neck as I did so, the way she...

What am I saying? That last part never happened. As much as I wish it did, it didn't. But it will, so help me God, I swear it will. After this, after tonight, she'll be mine. I can finally have her, all of her. Finally feel the warmth of her body against mine and smell the floral scented shampoo freely in her hair. That smile, too, that causes her entire face to light up, will also be mine. All of her will be.

I made my way back behind the counter and into the back room of the restaurant. Taking in a breathe, I closed my eyes, just a few more minutes.

In all honesty, I half expected her to show up at the cafe before my shift ended. She would be sitting there at a window seat, lost in a day dream with that sleep-like expression on her face. She'd look ageless sitting there, beautiful, immortalized by the fading sun. And I would come up behind her unknowingly, press my lips to her ear, and whisper a faint "I love you".

Only, that never happened. My shift soon ended and the teal haired girl was nowhere to be seen. She was a no show, after all. The worst part was that I didn't blame her. It was, in all honesty, completely understandable. If I was her, I wouldn't show up, either. I wouldn't give a girl who's obviously way older than you another chance. Especially not if that girl was someone like me who wants to do... um... things with you... 

Soon, I made my way to the back room where I took a few minutes to change out of my barista uniform and back into street clothes. After that, I walked back to the front of the shop, wished my manager and fellow employees good bye, and left. 

As I stood there outside of the cafe, I felt pulled in multiple directions. I didn't know whether to wait for her or not. I mean, what was the probability of her actually showing up? Do I just go home and pretend nothing ever happened? Forget about her and her perfectly pink lips and her tiny, miniature figure and her-

Fuck it all, I'm waiting. 

I began pacing forwards, trying to figure out where to go. That was when it hit me. Right where we first met for the second time; the fountain we fell into together. The place where she fell in a pool of water, and I fell in love. How perfect.

The corners of my lips curled up into a smile as I made my way that direction. When I got there, I took a seat of the edge of the fountain, crossing one of my legs over the other while I waited for my princess to arrive. 

Today was the day. Today was the day I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. To date me. To make me the happiest person alive. And I'd do it without considering her emotions. I'd ask her to forget about Lily and the mishaps. All of the drama and agony, I'd ask her to start fresh.

What if she couldn't, though? What if she couldn't look past the terrible person I was? God, what I did to her was horrendous. Ever since that day at the fountain, I've been doing what? Trying to seduce her and strip her? Make her jealous by using Lily as a pawn in this game (although, don't get me wrong, that was entirely Lily's fault. That bitch.)? I've been pulling her around my a thread around her neck, leading her on. Maybe it'd be for the best that I don't advance. I'm toxic. I'm poisoning her. Haha, she'll never be happy if she's with me. I'll be the happy one, I'll have everything I could've ever wanted, but she'll be the miserable one who's always wondering if I'm cheating with another woman or lying or getting drunk off of my ass. 

Maybe it'd be better if we were just friends.

I glanced up at the sky for a brief moment, noting the orangey tint to everything, the way it caused the world to seem to slow down. And when I looked back down, that was when I saw Miku. Her hair flowing behind her shoulders, hanging loose. Her pastel pink dress and matching shoes, her soft makeup and rosy lips. God, did she look beautiful, and I was going to break her heart all over again.

"Miku?" I called and she immediately looked my direction. The second our eyes met, a smile appeared on her lips and a bright pink blush grew across her cheeks. 

"Luka," she said walking over hastily, nervously, "I have something important to say to you."

This was it. I knew before the words even escaped her throat that she was going to say "I love you", and that was exactly what I wanted to hear. Those three little words that would mean she was all mine. 

I couldn't let her do it.

"Me first," I said harshly, rudely, and Miku stood there, staring at me through widened blue eyes.

This is for her own good, her own happiness. I told myself, taking in a deep breathe. I could feel my body shaking, my head spinning. I had to do this, I had to... because I love her. I love her so much, I have since the second I saw Miku and her friend sitting in my cafe. Since the second Miku jumped to the sound of my voice and I asked if I scared her. Ever since then, I knew she was my soulmate, my one and only. That was why I had to do it; I couldn't hurt her anymore. 

"I think we should just be friends." 

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