12) comfort

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Finn Balor
The fans know about you and Finn. Let's just say, some of the fans are supportive and some fans hate you. You usually don't pay attention to the haters. You were on Twitter when this one tweet caught your eye. It shattered your heart. Some fans were defending you and arguing with that person. You had enough. You threw your phone on the couch and broke down. Finn walked in when you were crying. He rushed over. "What's wrong?" He asked you. "It is just all the hate. They hate that I am dating you." You sobbed. Finn pulled you in close.
"Don't worry about the haters. All that is important is us." Finn told you. He lifted your chin to make you look into his eyes. "Promise me you ignore them." Finn told you. "I promise."

Dean Ambrose
Dean wasn't the most comfort type of person. He tries at least. You weren't feeling like yourself. You always felt down about yourself. You doubted everything you do. Right now, you were currently looking at yourself in the mirror. You sighed. "Why does Dean like me? What is so special about me?" You spoke out loud.
"What are you talking about?" Dean asked, walking in. You forgot he just got home. "Nothing." You tried lying. Dean crossed his arms and looked at you. He walked over. "Y\N, you are Beautiful. I like you because you are you." Dean told you.
"Don't doubt yourself. You are special to me and you are a gorgeous girl." Dean told you, finally a smile spread across your face.

Sami Zayn
Today was a sad day for you. It marked the fourth year anniversary since your grandpa passed away. You and him had a special bond. You both were very close. Sami knew as well this day was going to be tough for you.  As you were staring out the window while washing the dishes, Sami came over and wrapped his arms around you. "Let's watch a movie and cuddle today. How does that sound?" Sami asked you. You gave him a small smile. He picked you up and tool you over to the couch. He let you pick out a movie while he made the popcorn and got you and him a blanket.
To be honest, this helped cheer you up just a little. Being with Sami always brightens your mood when your down.

Roman Reigns
You just lost your title against Becky Lynch. You were upset. You couldn't control it anymore. You stormed off backstage. You really wanted to be alone but at the same time be with Roman all together. Tears streamed down your face as you walked the halls backstage. "Baby girl." You heard Roman's soothing voice. You ran into his arms and cried. He rubbed your back. "It will be alright. You will win it back." Roman told you.
"I let everyone down." You told him. He lifted your chin. "Baby girl. Everyone loses a battle once in a while. You will get back to the top soon." Roman told you with a smile.

Seth Rollins
Lately you have been feeing like the world has been against you. You feel like your wrestling career is just going downhill. You feel like you want to give up.  You decided to tell Seth before this feeling could get any worse.
"I just feel like giving up." You sobbed into his chest. You just finished telling him how you have been feeling lately.
"Don't give up. Life is rough we all know. This feeling only makes you stronger as a person. Your wrestling career is going ok from what I can tell. You will get a title shot. If you give up now, you never get a title shot." Seth told you. You looked up at him. Wise but confident words.

Daniel Bryan
"I'm sorry, ma'am. She didn't make it." The doctor told you news on your sister who was in a car accident. You busted into tears. You wanted to fall to the ground and cry but Daniel was there to catch you. Daniel brought you to a chair and sat you down. He got on his knees in front of you. He wiped your tears away. "She is in a better place watching over you. I am here for you. I will always be by your side." Daniel told you.
"She was my only sibling. What am I going to do now?" You sobbed even more. "It will be tough. I know it hurt. The pain won't directly go away. She will always be in your heart."  Daniel comforted you. You sniffled up and just leaned into his arms.

Cody Rhodes
Everywhere you turned in the hallway, people seemed to be snickering at you. Then you found out why. Someone spread a rumor that you slept with Hunter to get a job as an interview. Hunter knows this isn't true. "It is just a rumor. Don't believe it. You know it's not
true." Cody told you. You sighed.
"People won't even step near me." You told Cody. Cody furrowed his brows at you. "It isn't true so don't believe it, alright?" Cody said, pulling you in for a hug.

Heeyy! Here it is!!!!

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