13) When you are injured

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Finn Balor
When you and Finn were training with each other, you accidentally landed the wrong way. You ended up spraining your knee. (I don't know if that's possible 😂) You had to stay out of action for about a week or two until it heals. Finn helped you with everything you needed done.

Dean Ambrose
You got injured at a live event. You sprained your ankle. You couldn't walk on it at all. You had to use crutches to walk with. You hated crutches because they were a pain in the butt. You were annoyed by the crutches. So when Dean wasn't home, you would just hop on your good foot.

Sami Zayn
The ironic thing is, you torn something in your shoulder just like Sami did a few months back. Yours was worse though. You had to stay for a year. It was rough but Sami was there for you through it all. Sami made sure he would cuddle with you and watch movies all day.

Roman Reigns
You broke your wrist. Just like Bayley, you had to wear this really small cast on your wrist. You only had to stay out six weeks. You knew it wasn't bad but you loved wrestling and you didn't want to be out. Roman made the best of it to make you happy while you were out. He played video games with you and had eating contests. He won of course.

Seth Rollins
You broke your leg. You had to be on bed rest with that huge cast on your leg. Seth would cook you your favorite food mostly. He would cook what you wanted to eat. He tool care of
you really well. He made sure you were comfortable before he had to go out sometimes for interviews and such.

Daniel Bryan
You broke your nose. You didn't have to stay out because of it. You had to wear this ugly mask though. Daniel keeps telling you that you don't look ugly in it. You hated the thing and wanted to take it off so bad.  Daniel kept an eye on you so you wouldn't take it off. Daniel kept reming you everyday you were beautiful wearing the mask and not. He helped you through it though.

Cody Rhodes
You broke a few ribs falling into the table. You had to stay out of action for four months. At this time, Cody took time off for you. You told him he didn't need to take time off but he insisted. He would help bandage your side when you needed to change it. He was so helpful and you loved it.

Goood morning! I worked on this this morning while waiting for the bus to come soon. I might post another when i go to lunch at school. I don't know yet! Byeee!

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