The Ones We Love

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Keyni's POV
Stroking Lilacs hair calmed me down some. Rose had just left saying Lilac will be fine and just needed some rest. It hurt to see Lilac push herself too hard. All for what? To prove something? Anyone of us could've transported us back to the palace safely. A thought occurred to me... What if she pushed herself because of me? Running my hands through my hair I realized perhaps why she had. She was hurt. And the thought that killed me the most was the fact that I hurt her. I caused her pain.

Paul's POV
Dawn sat on the floor still after had transported back. I felt weird. Like I was only a part of myself. "The Spell's extremely dangerous. That might account why it didn't work the first time." Rose said, she was checking over Dawn to make sure she was fine. Then stood up and put her hands on her hips. "But it did indeed work. Your soul was split in half and one half was given to her." Rose explained. "You two can't go far from each other. Literally. You two are joined together." I let out a grin. "Now I'm around all the time, Angel." I said and Dawn blushed softly. "Physical Contact. Just hugging can help if one of your are hurt or sick. You can read each other's minds, read other people's minds, feel what the other feels your heartbeats are one, if one dies then the other does as well," She paused. "I think that's pretty much it." I held out a hand to Dawn, and helped pull her up. I felt majorly better now that she was holding my hand. "I'm going to go find Vin. Eyli, Pearl you should come help me." She said looking at them seriously. They nodded and the three of them walked off. I pulled Dawn in for a hug, holding her tight. "Why?" I mumbled softly. "I knew I was going to die. I felt it. So when I kissed you, I set the Spell for my powers to transfer to you, when I died. I figured you could live on for the both of us." She explained softly. "I wouldn't want to live on though." I replied. "All that power, without you? I would despise it so much for the rest of my life." I said running my hand through her hair. "You shouldn'tve risked your life like that." She said. I took her hand and pressed it against my chest. "It's both of our heartbeats as one. The risk was and is worth it in every way." I said. She smiled, keeping her hand where she could feel both heartbeats.

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