The Basket Boy

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Bryce's POV.
Ugh.. the basket boy auction. It never really bothered me until I was actually a basket boy. I wasn't worried because Juli was going to bid on me. Or Garrett?
I mean Juli and Garrett had always been friends but I never thought of them liking each other. Garrett likes Juli and I'm sure Juli didn't like him back because of our kiss.
It was the morning of the auction and my mom had packed who knows what. I was in my suit and I felt like a clown. I sent Juli a snapchat and she opened it and didn't reply... kinda weird.
When I got to school Mrs. McCule lined up up in order called everyone down to the auditorium. I saw Juli in a beautiful dress with Danielle and Darla.
Everyone's bidding went so fast and before I knew it it was my turn. Mrs. M. called up my name and said my lunch when u heard the voice I knew best say "15 dollars". Following her came Shelly's screaming "30 dollars!"
I wasn't sure Juli had that much but she cries out, "45 dollars!"
Once everyone had bid, I went over to Juli and Garret and I heard a tense conversation.
"Why didn't you bid on me Juli. What about the kiss"
"Garrett the kiss meant nothing I'm sorry. The reason why I didn't pull away was because I thought of Bryce when u was kissing you. I pretended it was him. He's the only one I wasn't Garrett, sorry."
I was so happy. I love this girl.
We got into the rec room and me and Juli talked the whole lunch and we decided that we would hang out after school today, because it was a Friday.
After school, I changed my clothes into a sweatshirt and some joggers and headed downstairs to wait for Juli.
Even when she was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, she was still beautiful.
We had such a fun time hanging around watching movies and cuddling.
Around 8 we decided to go up onto the roof and star gaze. We talked for a bit before I
decided to be a man and pop the question. I've been thinking about doing this for awhile and this is the perfect time.
I blurted in and said "Juli, will you go out with me?" She replied instantly with "yes Bryce I would love too."
I looked over at her and made eye contact for 3 seconds before sharing our first kiss as an official couple.
Life was absolutely perfect.

Juli's POV.
The morning of the basket boy auction, I woke up feeling guilty for kissing Garrett. I knew I should be honest with Bryce but we are finally on a good note and I don't wanna ruin that.
I was in the middle of putting on my mascara when my phone lit up showing I had a snapchat from Bryce. I was such in a rush I just opened it. I hope he didn't think I was avoiding him.
When we were all seated in the auditorium, I was feeling nervous. Nervous someone was going to bid on Bryce.. MY BRYCE.
Mrs. McCule came on the microphone and started announcing the boys.
Before I knew it, it was Bryces turn. He looked so hot up on stage.
I started my bid at 15, hoping I had won. But then I heard freaking fake Shelly stall as yell, "30 dollars." I was infuriated, so I bid all of my money, which was $45, and I won.
I was walking over to Bryce when Garrett pulled me aside and whisper/screamed "Why didn't you bid on me Juli. What about the kiss"
I said, "Garrett the kiss meant nothing I'm sorry. The reason why I didn't pull away was because I thought of Bryce when u was kissing you. I pretended it was him. He's the only one I wasn't Garrett, sorry."
So Garrett was apparently mad at me but I honestly done even care.
I followed Bryce into the rec room and we talked the whole lunch. We decided we would hang out after school today.
I got home, changed my clothes, and walked over to Bryces. We had so much fun just cuddling on the couch watching movies and talking about every possible thing there is to talk about.
Around 8, we went out on the roof and stargazed for a bit until I heard Bryces voice say "Juli will you go out with me"
I was so happy words couldn't describe.
I said yes obviously.
Bryce is the only one for me, and I'll forever be grateful to have someone like him in my life.

Lynetta's POV.
Me and Matt are so happy together.
I tell him everything and he tells me everything and it works out so well because we both love music. And it's adorable how out little siblings are apparently a thing now too. I feel like nothing will ever come between us and he's the one for good.

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