Chapter 24: You've Got To Be What Tomorrow Needs

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||First Person|| Revolution||

I look out the window with tired eyes, watching the partially barren, repetitive scenery disappear behind us as the tires eat away miles. I clutch the green bottle filled with some sort of carbonated drink that Bomb and I barely had enough money to purchase when we were on our own. Living on our own for the past six years with no connections proved futile, especially with how we were hellbent on staying near Zone 1 for supplies, though that typically meant fighting with shopkeepers on a bad day or simply getting in fights with drugged up Battery City citizens with high enough clearance to enter the Zones. I feel a sense of belonging with these guys, and I can't help but remember how against this I was at the beginning. A look over at my sister talking animatedly for once with Andy and Patrick proves how good this experience has been on her.

"You're an awfully good shot," Mikey comments praisingly as a diner with broken lights comes into view. I shudder when I hear him talking, turning my head to look over at the boy. He runs a hand through his hair habitually, blinking slowly.

"I guess," I say curtly. My hands tremble in their position wrapped around the bottle of 7-UP. It's a wonder that the small corner store managed to even get such rarities, especially all the way in Zone 2.

"You've practiced before?" Mikey continues, oblivious to the fact that I have more than just practice. I have blood on my hands and my conscience.

"You could..." I trail off for a moment, looking at my sister for some sort of answer. I will her to turn her head and check on me like she did a minute earlier, praying for some sort of distraction that she could provide that would keep me away from this discussion. She's oblivious though, staring ahead blissfully while listening to Andy speaking about something fitness related. "You could say that." I let out in one long breath, a shiver licking its way down my spine. I suddenly want to cry, whether that's my raging hormones or the withdrawals, I can't tell.

"You're a little rusty, and you lock your arm a bit too much, but with some more practice, you'll be just as good as me," Kobra laughs lightly, nudging me playfully. I figure that I'm supposed to laugh at that and maybe even take it as a prestigious comment that I'm lucky to be getting, but when I try to, a strangled noise is all that comes out when I think about the man with a bullet in his head. The least I could have done for him is remember who he was. He deserved that much.

"That's not a worry," I say quickly, wanting to drop the conversation already. "I'd rather learn hand-to-hand combat, you know?" Lie. I already know how to fight, but anything to keep the topic off of shooting is good enough.

"I could teach you," Kobra smiles at me, and despite the growing upset mess within my stomach, I still can't help but think about how good looking he is. Everything from his chiseled jaw, the same one Gerard has but smaller, his squinty eyes, and his messy hair is beautiful but unattainable. Plus, Mikey Way is a name that meant nothing to me almost two months ago. I could live without him.

"I could kick your ass," I rebut, earning an eye roll from the bleach blond. I can't help but smile softly at the amount of sass he's demonstrating.

"Yeah, right," Mikey scoffs jokingly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't play me."

"Oh, I'm not." I rebuttal, sitting up straighter. "Watch your back, Way." I smirk, leaning back in my seat. "I might just kick it."

"Let's go then." Mikey says challengingly, filled with confidence as he sits up straighter. "Open the door, let's fight." He smirks at the visible shock contorting my features, expecting me to drop out of the challenge at the prospect of it occurring on his terms. It dawns on me then that the diner I saw is now just outside of the car doors, standing as proudly as it can with the broken lights around the name and the peeling paint. I guess it's supposed to have that rundown look to it to avoid gaining unwanted attention from the Silencers and the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W Unit. I'm glad now that we're officially in Zone 3, a decent distance away from Battery City, but the victory is short lived when I actually have to live up to my slightly arrogant words immediately to keep my pride in check. I wrap my hand around the door handle and push the door open, jumping out of the van with Mikey following closely behind me. He follows me down the sandy path, kicking up dust clouds as we go. We stop in front of the diner doors, facing each other with raised eyebrows. "You can back out now while you still have the chance, y'know." Mikey grins teasingly at me, slipping his sunglasses off and tucking them into his red leather jacket.

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