Chapter 29: I Promise

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|| First Person || Bomb Sunshine ||

I hated lying to Revolution. As much as she claims against it, she still does need protection. I know I won't be able to prevent the bruises and scrapes on her body, but I do care about her sanity much more than my own.

I hear the door to the diner open, then footsteps that approach me. I look up and see Patrick standing beside me. He sits in the dust next to me.

"You alright there?" Patrick asks me. I shrug, remembering that he was there to witness my younger sister assault my face with her fists. I feel myself blush, but the bruises are probably covering it. Patrick's fingers guide my face towards him. He grimaces at the damage Revolution has left.

"You really did teach her how to fight," he chuckles halfheartedly.
"She is a better fighter than me," I mumble. It's true and I'm not ashamed of it. I made sure she was better than me so she can protect herself when I'm not around.
"She's on a Zone Run with Jet and Kobra. We can get you cleaned up and we can talk," Patrick suggests. It's a great idea, but a part of me doesn't want to be bothered by it. I stay silent as I tear my gaze from the blonde boy. He blows a sigh and takes my wrist in his hand. I realize how warm his hand is, the callouses from past and recent combat for his life and maybe his friends' lives.

"Come on," Patrick chuckles as he pulls me up to my feet. I groan though a smile finds its way to my injured lips. I follow Patrick inside the diner and he finds a First Aid kit nearby. He leads me to the booth I had seen him in before. He opens the case of stolen medical goods and examines the injuries on my tan face.

"It's mostly bruises," Patrick informs me.
"I'll be fine," I say, pushing his hand away from me. Patrick ignores my rebuttal and uses and alcohol wipe to clean the scars my sister created.
"How've you been feeling?" Patrick asks. "You know, since the withdrawals and all?"
"My shaking isn't as frequent as before, if that's what you're wondering," I inform. Patrick chuckles at my statement, his pink lips curling up into a smirk. "Really, I've just been restless."
"Not paranoid like Rev?" he halfway jokes. I tear my attention from the Defender and Patrick draws his hand away from me.

"What if she's not paranoid?" I mumble.
"Are you hiding something?" Patrick asks. He tilts my head up so I am forced to look into his blue eyes. "You are, aren't you?"
"It's for her protection," I try to reason.
"Bomb," he sighs. He almost sounds disappointed and I don't know why I care so much about that.

"I just... I can't let her know yet," I stumble. I study Patrick, hoping he believes me. I'm not lying for once.
"What's in the folder?" Patrick asks. He furrows his brow in genuine curiosity. "I swear I won't tell anyone."
"I can't tell you—"
"You obviously need to get this off your chest, Bomb," he says. "You can trust me, I promise."

I look around the diner, hoping no one overhears the conversation. Party Poison stands with Ghoul, Pete, and Andy, the group having conversation about something I cannot seem to figure out. I tense a little, then wonder if I'm the one who is paranoid. I turn to Patrick, knowing he's still expecting my confession.

"Rev killed someone," I whisper quickly. Patrick's eyes widen at the new fact. "And not just some random person. You know how we have that issue? We can't kill anyone?" Patrick nods. "It's because when we ran away, Rev killed someone and... no matter how much Adrenaline we took, we could never forget it. We never knew who the guy was until we got our files."

"Who was it?" Patrick asks. I look over my shoulder and I start to believe that I am the paranoid one rather than my sister.
"Daniel Carter," I answer.
"Shhhhh!" I cut off harshly. I glare at the blonde boy, not wanting anyone to know. "You are the first person to know about this in our group. If you utter a word of it, I will not hesitate to... to..."
"No need to threaten me," Patrick defended, his voice easing into a whisper. "I-I'm just shocked. This Daniel Carter guy isn't just a civilian. Not only was he Korse's right hand, but your father."
"Don't tell anyone," I repeat.

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