One day a girl named Ken was walking through the forest. She was stopped by a squirrel. It was lilac colored.

"Hi my name is Cliffoconda" the little animal said

"Hi! What is a cute little thing like you doing out here in the forest?" she asked

"I am just on my daily walk, would you like to walk with me?" he replied

"Yes, that would be lovely" she said to him

Ken and Cliffoconda kept on walking until they reached the tree line of the forest, looking over the city of Sydney.

"Wow, the city looks very beautiful tonight" Ken said

The two of them sat on the grass and looked out on the city. They then decided that they would walk into the city, since it wasn't far.

"Would you like to come hang out with my friends and I?" Cliffoconda asked her

"Sure!" she replied

They continued walking for a few more minutes until they reached a café off of a side street. When they walked in, the smell of the pastries and hot chocolate filled her nose. She looked around the small shop and saw three boys sitting at a booth across the room. They had to be Cliffoconda's friends because they were the only other people in the place. She answered her thought when Cliffoconda made his way towards them and she followed.

"Hey guys" Cliffoconda greeted them

They all replied and then asked who Ken was. Cliffoconda introduced them all to her as they sat down.

"This is Luke, Calum, and Ashton" Cliffoconda said

"You can call me Ash, if you want" the one called Ashton said

"Okay, cool" Ken replied

All the boys started their own conversation, including Ken in some of the things they were talking about. Most of the time she wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, because she was too busy looking at Calum. A thought suddenly popped into her head. She noticed the boys weren't talking so she thought she would ask them a question.

"How old are all of you guys?" she asked them

"I myself am 21, Calum is 20, Cliffoconda there is also 20, and Luke is 19" Ash answered her question.

"Hey, we should all hang out tomorrow, and we should add Ken to our group. Only if she wants" Ash suggested

"Yeah, I would like that" Ken answered "Can I invite my best friend Lauren?" she asked the group

"Of course!" Luke replied to her

"Great, I think you guys will lover her" Ken told them

The group agreed on a time and place to meet. They thought it would be a good idea to go to dinner, and then a movie. Right when Ken got home she called Lauren.

*Phone Call*

Ken: Hey!

Lauren: Hi

Ken: How would you like to hang out with me and my new friends tomorrow?

Lauren: Oh yeah, sounds cool. What are their names?

Ken: There is Ash, Cliffoconda, Calum, and Luke

Lauren: Okay yeah, what are the plans?

Ken: We thought that we would go to dinner and go see a movie. I'll pick you up at 5?

Lauren: Yep, sounds good! See you then Ken, bye

Ken: Bye

*End of Call*

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