Chapter 8- Pain

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Here you go I owed this to you so here it is. Ohh srry also last chapter didn't make sense at the end so srry . Also the pic on the side is Chace Crawford as Leo XD Enjoy!!!!!!XD

*V's P.O.V*

"Veronica you know you can trust me with anything?"

" I know I can trust you I-Its........." I trailed off, I could get myself to tell him it was just so embarrassing for me I know I shouldnt be ashamed but I can't.

"Veronica look at me".He put his finger under my chin, making me look at him straight in the eye. His beautiful hazel eyes,his perfect jaw line.


''i wish he was....*sighs*''

'ugh why is life so cruel?'

''i dont know ''

''look dylan its complicated and i dont think you wanna stay here and listen to me sobbing and crying  

about how cruel life can be." i looked him straight in the eye and all i could see was pity, which i hate i  

like people feeling sorry others, especially for me it just shows your weak and i DON'T like to look  

vulnerable.It's like saying 'i feel bad for you cause your life's screwed up'.

As if I haven't noticed I don't need a reminder jeez.

''Veronica why are you so stubborn? I am here asking you to tell me and you keep denying it. Just tell me already, i hate seing you like this and if i know you well enough so do you. So just tell me already and tell me the truth.''

WOW!! talk about bossy but he's right i just pulled him out of the crowd like that and im not even giving him an explaintion. Well here goes nothing i guess.

''well it started when i got inside the house, remember when I said I needed to speak to Taylor, it was a li- excuse to go and look for............. My .............. Mate...."I trailed of for a while.

"And?"He said coldly. Why is he upset it's not like I have told him the whole story. So before he got more irritated,I took a deep breath and I told him everything that happend, the throwing ,the hand holding, the rejection, the waking up, the everything. I told him everything I could remember, word for word, detail by detail.

I told him everything but I didnt go without noticing all the emotions that passed by his face, sadness, pity, anger, frustration, and jealousy. But I'm pretty sure the last one was part of my imagination. By the time I was done he had a blank, unreadable expression on his face. I don't blame him if i were in his position I'd be exactly the same. I mean come on my life was totally plain and boring, something like this rarely happens here- wait scratch that it rarely happens to any werewolf mate. Especially like this, I would be surprised if someone randomly says ' you don't hear that everyday huh'?

" So that asshole is still here?!" he growled. Okay I'm absolutely scared, and you know why ? Well I'll tell why, it's because when Dylan gets angry..... Let's just say it's like all hell brakes lose. What I'm I suppose to do now? I'm afraid if I say yes he gonna go upstair and rip Leo's head off, but if I say no he's gonna get even more angry cause I lied. Man what to do? What to do?  


A/N: okay so I know not much happened but I felt like you guys should get to see more of Dylan, I know right now he looks like a jerk but he's not you'll see. 

Oh and sorry I haven't written in a long long time it's cause my computer isn't working so I'm writing you this from my iPod.  

Also don't forget to




Also please tell me who you like best so I can let you see more of that person:D

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