4. airport cuddles // sergio aguero

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"we're both stuck in this airport cause of a storm and i'm afraid of thunder"

„I'm sorry to inform you that the flight number 277 will be delayed because of the storm."

The sentence was followed by grunts, groans and even a couple of screams – okay probably only one scream because a baby was scared of the loud speakers, but yeah – as expected.

The last thing that anybody wanted was to be stuck at the airport only two days before New Year's Eve. Adriana was one of those people. As unorganized and messy as she was, one of her biggest pet peeves was being late.

She adjusted the white knitted beanie and let out a sigh. People were passing by hurriedly while the others stood near the double glass door, probably getting ready to face the storm. It was moments like this that she had no idea what to do. Sure, it was the end of December, but nobody mentioned any kind of a storm, especially since the last week was pretty sunny. Not to mention that she definitely wasn't a person who had a backup plan, or a one who could make one on the spot.
That is how she remained standing in the corner of the airport, with only enough money for a snack and her hand tightly grasping the suitcase handle.

Sergio was cold, tired and really annoyed.
His family was expecting him to be in Argentina for New Year's Eve but the storm obviously ruined his plans.
As crowded as it was only 5 minutes ago, the airport was now almost completely empty and freezing. 

Traveling alone wasn't really the prettiest thing and forgetting to reserve a ticket – also known as having to travel in economic class – was even worse. It's not that he was spoiled or anything, Sergio Agüero was actually the polar opposite, it's just that he hated being recognized at every place he went.
It was one of the things that he had to get used to, but he never did. 

That was one of the reasons why he had about 10 layers of clothing covering his face and body. Under the thick scarf, beanie and his big jacket, he was still shivering.
Being an absolute unorganized mess resulted in him not bringing any spare money – which sounds pretty funny when you're a famous football player – with him.

He could always go to the motel or a hotel and tell them to put it on his bill or something, but it was too cold outside and the storm was only getting worse, so he decided to cross that idea off of his list.
The only thing he could do now was pray that the storm would be over soon.

The majority of people has already left the airport in less than 15 minutes. There were still some people around here, so Adriana decided to go and find a quitter place, thinking as she would be spending the night here.
She slowly walked around, hoping to find a comfortable enough place. 

After a moment, she saw a perfect spot, a long, bench-like seat that would be perfect for laying. She saw a figure nearing the spot and quickened her pace. Soon enough she was clumsily running over to the spot, trying to claim it before the other person.

They obviously had similar ideas, because they strongly collided with each other which caused them to stumble and fall on the seat.

"Mine!" A muffled voice said, in a way that she almost didn't hear it.

"I was here first!" Adriana huffed and lifted her gaze in the direction of the stranger.
She almost gasped when she met a pair of beautiful dark eyes. They were actually the only thing she could see because the person was wrapped up from head to toe.
That caused her to let out a giggle, which turned into a series of them and soon enough she was sitting on the seats, clutching her stomach.

In the meantime, the stranger has already unwrapped the scarf and took the black beanie off, which made his whole face visible. And to say that Adriana was surprised would be an understatement.
Of course she recognized him immediately.

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