1. hoodie // paulo dybala (pt. 1)

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"I catch you at the bus terminal shivering your ass off because it's 30 degrees and for some god forsaken reason you're wearing a short sleeve t shirt, so out of pity I lend you my hoodie and you look so surprised it's the cutest thing I've ever seen, setting aside the fact that you're a goddamn idiot, do you want to get sick?!"

There weren't many things that Paulo hated. He didn't mind the cold and he loved going to training, but when he had to take a 40 minute walk from the training facilities to his apartment at 10 freaking degrees because Alvaro had a date, that really pissed him off. He kept switching his heavy sports bag from one shoulder to another while keeping his head down the whole time. The team worked on their speed today and the muscles in his legs were sore which made walking a bit painful. He was tired.

Paulo felt reviled when he recognized the bus terminal that he was about to pass. The street he was currently passing wasn't really that busy. It wasn't in the center of the city and it wasn't really popular. There was a small coffee shop, grocery store, a bakery and a couple of apartment buildings, including his. The bus terminal was run down and the bench was half broken. Paulo knew that there were rarely any people there, especially in the beginning of February, so he found it strange when he saw a figure standing there. The person was really short and petite looking so he assumed that it was a girl. His thoughts were confirmed when he got closer. It was indeed a girl, a girl in a short sleeved shirt. She stood there shifting from one leg to another and hugging herself while shivering. It wasn't really that surprising, keeping in mind that he was cold and he had a long sleeved shirt and a hoodie on. What the hell is she doing out here without a jacket? He only realized that he said that out loud when the girl switched her gaze from her shoes to him. Shit.

"It got stuck"she said.


"The jacket. It got stuck in the store doors and it ripped."

"Oh." he said awkwardly. He never meant to ask that out loud anyway.

"I'm Paulo" he awkwardly stuck his hand out.

"Marcella" she said and shyly shook his hand.

Paulo figured that she already recognized him by her expression.

The silence between them wasn't exactly the most comfortable one, he was busy playing with the edge of his hoodie while she stared at her shoes, but you could feel the awkwardness in the air.

The short girl in front of him was still shaking so he decided to do something. He lowered his bag on the floor while she looked at him curiously. Grabbing the edges of his hoodie he pulled it over his head.

Oh my God. That was all that kept running trough Marcella's head. What was this beautiful boy doing? And then his shirt rose with the hoodie showing off a bit of his tone stomach. Pure thoughts Marcella. Pure thoughts. Oh my God.

"Here, take this" Paulo smiled while handling her the hoodie.
He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with Juventus' crest on it. Probably a training shirt.

"No, you will be cold" she said stubbornly.

I have another one in my bag. He thought, but he didn't want her to know that. This one I'm wearing is warmer, anyway.

"Don't worry, bella. My apartment is only two minutes away. I'll survive" he said instead and smiled cheekily.

Marcella's cheeks were already rosy from the cold, but this made them fiery red. She looked stunned and her eyes were a bit wide from the surprise.
Paulo thought that she looked cute.

She tried to take the hoodie from his hands, but hers were practically frozen and she struggled to move her fingers. Paulo noticed and slowly stepped closer. The height difference was noticeable by the way she looked up at him.

He carefully put the bright pink hoodie over her head and she pushed her arms through the arm holes. Her wild brown curls were stuck inside so she pulled them out and put the hood on. Marcella smiled gratefully at him and put her hands in the hoodie pocket.

"Ciao bella" Paulo smiled at her softly, picked his bag up and started walking away.

"Ciao" she said, loudly enough for him to hear her, La Joya she added in her head. That's when she noticed the bus pulling up.


This book will be filled with one shots based on AU's I found on tumblr and every chapter will be about a different player. This is my first try in a (football) fiction so yeah, give it a shoot xx

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