"Sara!" My moms rough voice called from downstairs.
"Coming!". I said as I took one last glance at my room, filled with memories.
I ran downstairs as my mom called my name again. God I'm gonna miss her. Even though she yells at me all the time. I don't know, but Im gonna miss her and this house and all of the memories I'll leave here behind. If my Dad wouldn't have cheated on my mom, I would still be living here in Kansas. I grew up here, and here is were all my friends are.
The hardest part about moving, is my mom. I wont be able to be with her, since ill be living with my dad. Im really close to my mom , she is my best friend and I love her so much, but I guess it is for the best. I don't get why my dad wants me and my brother Connor to move with him if he doesn't even like us. After all I am gonna graduate in a couple months.
I am also gonna miss my boyfriend Luke . I know,I know what your thinking. Long distance relationships don't work ,but Luke and I will make it work even if that means we have to talk through Skype, and text each other most of the time.
As soon as I ran down the stair, I was greeted with sad smiles from my fiends; (Sienna, Haley and Mia).Mom and Luke are waiting for me. I couldn't believe I was moving half way across the planet. What did I even do? Well I guess things couldn't get any worse, right?
" so... This is it" Mia said with a tear streaming down her cheek.
"I guess so." I said feeling my eyes water.
"We love you Sara."haley said bitting her lip to avoid crying.
"We will miss you so much. Don't forget to text us everyday." Sienna said wrapping her arms around me into a tight hug.
"Ill never forget you girls." I said with a sob. " I love you so much".
I hugged my best friends for a while before facing Luke.
"We will Skype every day sara, don't worry". He said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Yes, but it is not the same". I cried putting my arms in his chest before giving him a lingering kiss on the lips. After all we had been through, I was afraid of losing him.
" I told you Sara, we will make it work". Luke said pulling back from the kiss."just remember that I will always be here for you I promise.
I nodded giving him a last peck on the lips. As I pulled away from Luke, I noticed my mom started crying hugging my little brother. God this is hard.
My mom raised her hand to hug me and my brother."I love you so much always remember that. okay?" She said in between sobs.
We both nodded before pulling away and started walking towards the door.
I gave a last glance to my small but beautiful house before opening the door and heading out towards the car.
"I love you mom." I said giving her a last hug and climbing into the cab.
"I love you mommy." Connor said giving her a hug and squeezing her torso as hard as he could, before following me into the cab.
I stuck my head out the window giving them a wave and shouting goodbye to everyone, until I couldn't see them from far away.
We arrived at the airport just in time to do the checkout, and get into the plane, before the gates closed. As I sat onto the uncomfortable chair and then I made sure Connor had his seat belt on before glancing over the window to look at my surroundings . With one last sigh, I felt the plane start to move, and before I knew it , we were already 2 hours into the flight. Connor had fallen asleep while watching a movie. I put my headphones on and clicked shuffle. Iris started playing through my phone, as I listened to the song, I started to feel my eyelids getting heavy, and before I knew it, I found myself fast asleep.
"Sara wake up! we're here!!." Connor said jumping in his seat. I cant believe I slept 4 hours straight. God I must have been exhausted from my goodbye party yesterday."Damn this city is huge!" Connor said amused as he stared through the window. "Yes it is" I said I little pissed off.
The pilot started anouncing the desedence of the plane.
When we got out of the plane after getting our bags i saw a guy with a suit with a small sign with our names in it. We started walking towards him."Are you Sara and Connor Bloom?" The man said as we approached to him.
"Yes." I said with confusion.
"I am your dad's driver." He said giving me a handshake "I will be driving you home." He said giving me a welcoming smile. He seemed like nice guy. At least having a rich dad had its benefits.
"Shall we." He said pointing to the door. I nodded and started walking with him while grabbing my brother's hand.
I noticed he was walking towards the beautiful grey Porsche. Damn my dad had money to spare, yet we never received a single penny from him.
"Wow! Look at our car sara!" Jumped my brother with excitement. I chuckled as I climbed into the back seat with Connor.
As we drived through the city I looked out the window and noticed how beautiful the city was. I had never been to London. Neither Europe. I had never even been out of the country.
I used to wonder why my dad wanted to live in London, half a world away from us. know I know why.
we arrived I into a beautiful white mansion with a beautiful green yard with flowers of every color and a gleaming fountain.
I turned around to looked at the beautiful neighborhood, full of gorgeous big mansion like my dad's, maybe a little smaller. I noticed all the mansions looked similar. I think it gave them a fancy look.
I turned to the right, to look at this gorgeous house, similar to my dad's but you could tell there was a difference. I looked at the yard were there were red roses and two little white tables at each end of the yard.
And then I saw him.

FanfictionAs Sara leaves behind her home town, she faces new difficulties while trying to adapt to her new enviroment. New friends, new school, and new neighborhood. Plus, things at home don't get any better. When she tries to contact her old friends, she rea...