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"Hey, are you okay?" He said with a warm smile.

"Um, yeah sorry. I gotta go." I said. When I was about to move away, a middle age man, kind of like my dad's age, stopped me.

"Hello. Are you sara? William's daughter?" He said with a grin.

"Yeah. Hello." I said trying to walk away.

"Oh my god. You look just like your mother, you are both so gorgeous." He said hugging me.

"Thank you but I gotta go." While trying to escape this awkward situation  I asked myself, who is this? And why does he know me and my mother?

"I am Desmond styles and this is my son Harry." He said grinning at me  when he noticed the confused look on my face.

"Hey." Harry said with a sexy grin... I mean, with a grin on his face.

"Hi again." I said with a quiet giggle.

"So... Where is your dad dear?" He ask looking around.

"Umm, I think he is in the dinning room but I really have to go. Excuse me." I said almost running away and climbing the stairs.


When I got to my room I put on my pajamas and removed my makeup. I laid on  my new bed and started to feel sleepy. I got my phone, texted my mom that I loved her and went to sleep.

Bip bip bip

My alarm went off.

I groaned and then stood up and went to the bathroom to shower. I'm really nervous. I don't know what to expect about my new school. I literally Feel like I'm  gonna throw up.

As the hot water ran through my body I thought about all the things that could happen.

Maybe I wont have any friends.

Maybe i'll have a lot of friends. 

Probably not. This is different I am not in Kansas anymore, were I had a lot  of friends to count on or were I had a boyfriend to kiss. I am really gonna be sick.

When I finished showering, I blow dried my hair and made myself loose curls like yesterday. I put on some natural makeup and after half an hour of trying to chose the perfect outfit, I put on my superstars, a red skirt, a long sleeve white shirt and my black back bag.

As I entered the dinning room, I noticed there was a women who might be the maid.

"Good morning." I said with a smile.

"Oh, Good morning Miss bloom. Nice to meet you, your a beautiful girl." She said as she brand my fruit to the table.

"Oh thank you, and please call me Sara." I said as I sat down.

"Okay. Sara. I like it".  She said and I giggled and took a bite of my fruit.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Martha, dear." She said walking to the kitchen.

When I finished breakfast I walked towards chester who was waiting for me outside.

"Chester, are you driving me?" I ask with a smile.

"From now on ill be driving you to school." He said opening the door for me.

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