The Begin of All Adventures

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On a sunny, cool day when the wind was blowing through Ryan 's hair his memory of a few months ago came through his busy thinking mind.

He didn't want to think about that anymore, he never wanted.

While thinking hard about what happened he walked mindless and uncarefully.

He , Still walking and walking passing half the road when he suddenly stops without knowing a car drives into him

*Baaamm,Car drifts and stops quick, running feetstep, screams, glass

pieces falling on the ground*

Ambulance drives through the streets with the sirenes on.

Cars driving to the side to let the ambulance pass through.

They arrive in hope that Ryan still lives, he didn't broke anything but

he was knocked out.

*Picking Ryan up*

Driver : Oke, we moeten er echt snel wezen.

( Ok, we have to be there quick. )

Nurses : We controleren z'n hartstatus.

( We're checking his hart status. )

Driver : Gaat het goed daar achterin ?

(Is everything allright back in there ?)

Nurses : Yep.

They arrived at the Hospital.

Nurses are bringing Ryan to room A71 on the sixth floor.

When they get to there , they lay Ryan on the operation table and call the doctor.

The doctor comes and they quickly discuss what happened.

They begin the operation and cut through Ryan's head.

The can see Ryan's brains and start checking,

While they are busy Ryan's mom is getting called.

A quarter passes and she already arrived.

She screams and cries, she is so scared that her son is gonna die.

Everyone is in panick even the doctors , the sweat , drowing on their warm forehead.

doctor : Paas me de scalpel, botzaag, doekjes en de kleine hamer.

( Give me the scalpel, bonesaw, tissues and the little hammer. )

Mikey arrives at the hospital too.

Mikey : Weet u waar ene Ryan Millder ligt ?

( Do you know where Ryan Millder is ?)

Assistent : Ja, kamer A71 op de zesde etage, je mag daar niet

binnen komen.

( Yes, Room A71 on the sixth floor, You can't come in there. )

Mikey runs through the hallways.

And sees Ryan's mom crying.

Mikey snutters a little bit and the tears jump out of his eyes.

Mikey : No, is ... is he .....did he ..... past away?

Mom : I don't know... i .. don't.


Doctor runs to Mikey.

Doctor : Is dat zijn moeder ?

( Is that his mother ?)

Mikey : Yep.

Doctor : Your son will stay in the hospital for like two months, he didn't

broke anything but he is in coma and that's not good.

Mom : Yeah, I know * Cries*.

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