The Dancecrew

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Ryan and Michael walked on the streets.

Michael took Ryan into the alley , through an old rust door.

The door would lead them far till the underground.

The walked to the right , straight to the metro , they waited till the train was gone and jumped on to the rails .

They were walking carefully in the dark , only the not so good white light helped them.

After walking on the rails they ran to the side and climbed up the little wall .

Above the wall was the exit.

They walked to the exit , and ran up the stairs .

When they got all up they entered a big saloon underground , under the flat.

There was a Dancecrew waiting for them.

Jayden : Is dat die gast ?

(Is that the boy ?)

Mike : Ja.

Sarah : Kan hij zijn skills even laten zien ?

(Let him show his skills .)

Mike : Ryan , show your skills.

Ryan : Huh..

Ryan : Aight.

Sarah turns on the stereo.

Ryan shows his dancemoves .

* Twostep left to the front , Turns his body , Twostep right to the front , Crossing his leggs , Doing a Colt , Stands up and does do a hanstand , From handstand to headstand , Turning his head with the feet in the air , Doing a handstand , From hanstand to Elbow Freeze to Baby Freeze To Cc's , From Cc's to Reversed Cc's to Indian Step and then he does a 360 Backflip and lands in The Halloween Spider position*.

Jayden : You really have skills.

Sarah : Woah , yeah you do , are you coming to join us ?

Ryan :Yeah , Actually I do !

Sarah and Jayden : Well then you and Mike are in !

Ryan : Yeah ! Mike : Ja , heeeeuuuuy !!

Ryan and Mike give eachother a High Five.

Ryan and Mike practice with The dancecrew .

They're called 'Europian Star Gang'.

After the hard and intensive practice Ryan and Mike walk to home together.

Ryan does live a few streets behind Mike

Ryan lives in the street : 'SchapeJanStraat'.

Mike does live in 'HertogenMuntStraat'.

Ryan enters his house and walks to couch and let his whole bodyweight fall on the soft , cold couch.

He gets extremely tired and goes to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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