Chapter 1

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Life is hard now, with the zombie apocalypse and all. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me start at the beginning, when it all kicked off.


He's looking at you, the note reads, my friend is way too obsessed with guys. A little childish, like this note passing in class.

We're in college, Sienna. Stop this seventh grade behavior. I write back quickly, making sure the teacher doesn't see me slip the paper back to my friend.

I hear loud and heavy footsteps echo outside the classroom. I lean backwards to see out the door. A boy, couple years older, is running down the hall, poking his head into rooms and saying something I can't make out. He comes up to my class and sticks his head in.

"There's... There's something downstairs. It's unidentified, human possibly, but it's dangerous and we need to evacuate to the roof. There's a hatch above the teachers desk. Youngest first, oldest last. Go quickly!" He warns and runs back down the hall.

"Is this some sick joke?" I ask Sienna, who's gotten out of her seat and is over by the window.

"Everyone! Look at this!" She says and I run over to where she is, peering out the window myself.

People flood the building, but they aren't regular people. Ripped, blood-stained clothes hang off their torn bodies. Skinny arms and legs, some even missing, claw at each other to enter the building first. I can't see them well enough for details, we're too high up. There's a lot though, and the people in here are shuffling over to the hatch, opening it and climbing in.

"I'll go last." Says a tall, tough-looking guy.

"Sienna, you go. I'll board up the doors for now." I tell my friend and push her towards the people evacuating. I push a bookshelf in front of the door, stacking a couple desks on it and in front of it.

"Your turn." The guy says to me.

"Hurry after me." I tell him just as a body slams into the door, then another, and another. I climb through the hatch and onto the roof. There's a crash, I know they've broken in.

"Come on! Hurry, you can still make it!" I yell down. He leaps up onto the desk, but the infected people are already on him, pulling him to the ground. They tear at him, using their teeth to dig into his flesh. One looks up at me and climbs on the desk. I close and lock the hatch, cutting off the screams. My feet start moving, and I'm stumbling towards my classmates. They're huddled on the roof, unaware of what to do. I scan the rooftop, all there is is a bunch of people, nothing to use for a weapon.

"Let's get down." I instruct everyone on the roof, taking the lead towards the edge, where I climb down a ladder onto another roof, and then another. I reach the bottom and look around, a car is probably the best choice.

"Every man for themselves!" Someone yells from the back of the crowd, and I watch in horror as they jump on an innocent girl and wrap their arms around her. She struggles, clawing at the arms and reaching towards us. No one tries to help her, they're all too afraid. Minutes go by and she stops struggling, dead in the arms of the killer. Everybody runs off in a panic, me included. I don't look around for my friends, I just try to get away from the crazy person who wants to kill everyone.

I ran and ran and ran off down the street, towards my house. After a long time I reached my street. I passed numerous zombies on the way, but I outran them. I got to my house and let myself in. No zombies. I close the door and lock it behind me, hurrying into my room and grabbing a bag. I shove a couple pairs of clothes in it and change out of my boots into sneakers, packing an extra pair.

I check my phone, no texts or calls from anyone. Every youtuber I'm subscribed to has posted a video. They all say something like 'heading to Toronto, YouTube meeting in City Hall Library'. Everyone's going there. I'm not sure why though, maybe the cold makes the walkers slower and people have a better chance. Good thing I live in Lockport, I can get to Canada and meet up with them like I'm sure a lot of subscribers are doing. Or at least the living ones. I throw my phone on the bed, it's not going to help me now. I know the way to Toronto, I'll find them.

I bring my bag with me to the kitchen, packing my bag with canned foods and things that won't go bad quickly. I fill up three water bottles and grab a water purifier. It's going to be quite the journey on foot, and I'm not risking a car. Too much bulk, I can slip through the trees easier and sleep won't be too hard to come by if I can climb up a tree and rest. When I think of that, I grab a couple belts that I duct tape together to create a longer rope that I can use to strap myself into the tree. My eyes trail around the living room up to an antique hanging on the wall. My great grandfather's katana. I'm going to need it until I find a bow for long range killing, and it'll draw less attention then a gunshot. I bring it down off the two hooks holding it up and unsheath it, watching the light reflect off of it's clean blade. Soon it's going to be covered in zombie guts, bad news for me. I'm also going to need my army knife and a lighter. I shove them in the bag along with a first aid kit. Anything else I can pick up at a Walmart or somewhere else.


So that's a little backstory about me, and now I'm on my way to the Canadian border. Please, hop aboard this train. It's about to leave for it's next stop, the zombie apocalypse.

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