Chapter 2

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I leave my house and walk onto North Transit street, looking both ways. A noise startles me and I reach over my head and pull my katana out of it's sheath that's strapped to my back. I spin in a circle, looking for the source. Something moves in the bushes, and I back up, sword gripped tightly in my hand. Out comes a dog, a dark furred Siberian husky with its tongue hanging out. It bounds up to me, appearing friendly. I bend down and grab it's collar, Yukon read the name.

"Hello, Yukon." I smile and pet him.

Company can be good, and a dog won't steal from you or stab you in the back. I just have to get some dog food, which shouldn't be too hard. There's a 7-Eleven nearby, I'll stop there and grab us some stuff. I slide my katana back in it's sheath and start running down the road, I'm going to come across some zombies sooner or later. Yukon keeps pace with me, panting heavily. He must be thirsty, I realize and slow to a stop. He looks up at me happily. After he drinks some water from one of my bottles we start jogging again. Thank god I took cross country instead of swimming. We reach the 7-Eleven and walk in. I pull my katana out and step through the broken glass doors.This place might've been raided already, but there's gotta be something left behind. It's best if I do a quick area check, and I walk past each aisle. Nothing. The back room is barricaded, and I think it's best not to go back there. I grab cans of Pringles and bottles of water. I grab some chips and a bag of dog food. I take a bowl and grab a flashlight. More food, water, toiletries, and I'm back on the road.

We jog down to Walmart, where I stop in a grab a shotgun and as many bullets as I can find. I load it up and stick it in an easy-to-reach pocket on my bag. Then I take a compound bow and twelve arrows, in case I need to take out any zombies quietly. I grab batteries for my flashlight, and head out. Yukon trots alongside me and we continue down West Avenue. After about ten minutes of running, we come across a group of walkers. I count ten. If I use my gun it could attract a lot of attention, and a lot of zombies. I unstrap my bow from my bag and nock an arrow. I pull back the string, aiming at one of the closest walker's head. I release and it slams into them with a thunk. The zombie falls to the ground, but none of the others react. I nock a second arrow and repeat the process four more times. Five zombies are on the ground, and I didn't miss any shots. The last five are starting to realize somethings up. I pull out my katana, thinking five will be easy to take out. Yukon whimpers as I jump into the street and charge the first zombie, slicing my sword into it's head. Blood squirts all over me.

"Dammit." I mutter and use the back of my hand to wipe the guts from my face. I look up just in time to see another one charging me. It's too slow though, and I pierce it through the throat. I spin around, my katana sliding out of the throat and puncturing another zombie in between the eyes. It's lets out a loud moan, and the other two run at me from both sides. I wait until they're close enough, and leap backwards as they slam into each other. Then I skid around one and kick it to the ground, mashing it's moldy skull in and cutting off the other zombies head.

I feel like a superhero, but I knew it was just luck. Next time won't go so well. Yukon and I continue down the road, watching everything. There's a bird here and a squirrel there, lots of dead people with bullets buried deep in dried blood. People aren't going to be very trusting now, I'm worried we'll get shot. Nothing seems to be happening so far though, I think we're safe. Yukon whines softly, and I assume he wants some food. I pour a little on the ground and he eats, but continues to whine. Yukon looks behind us, then jumps on me. I fall to the ground as a bullet flies by where my head was.

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