Chapter 6

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We've escaped the hoard, and are nearing the Canadian border.
"There's a bridge we need to cross." I tell Zack as we slow to a walk.
"What if it's covered in walkers?" He asks.
"That's what I was thinking, maybe there's a way underneath. But it's goes to be dangerous." I warn him.
"Are we gonna swing underneath it Planet of the Apes style?"
"Maybe, if we have to." I shrug and pull a water bottle out of my bag that I just filled up at a small stream.
"I hope that waters clean." Zack says.
"I do too." I wipe my mouth dry after a long drink.
Yukon looks up at me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I pour water like a little waterfall into his mouth, his tongue catching water and scooping it down his throat. He stops, telling me he's done. I look back up, there's the bridge. Smoke rises off of it, maybe cars crashed and it's not a group of people who are going to kill us.
"I don't think that's a good sign." Zack glances at me nervously.
"Sh, let's approach quietly and see the cause of this smoke. Over to the cars. Watch your back for zombies." I pull my katana out of its sheath and dart behind a light blue mini van.

We sneak around for a little, checking the area for any close walkers. I found a couple, Zack didn't run into any. We meet up again and creep towards the fire. Yukon walks slowly by my side, but the dog tags on his collar still hit each other, making more noise than I would like. I take off his collar and scratch him between the ears, tucking his collar into a small pocket. We reach the bridge. I signal for Zack to stay where he is, and I dart from wrecked car to wrecked car until I'm at the very edge. There's a stretch of road and then the bridge. The source of the smoke isn't visible, cars turned sideways block the entrance. On top of one car looks to be the barrell of a rifle, and I pull Yukon down behind the car, clamping my hand over his muzzle as he squirms.

"Is it clear?" Zack calls from farther back.

I want to kill him, and the first bullet flies. Not from the direct of the bridge, but rather from the annoying idiot that I teamed up with. I hear a cry of pain from the bridge. Damn it, he's a better shot than I thought. I have to disarm him, quickly. I stand up without thinking and call out.

"Hold your fire!" I adress both Zack and the people on the bridge. "We, no, my dog and I mean no harm. Our... associate made a stupid mistake and we offer to help your comrade with their injuries." I negotiate, not even certain if there are multiple people.

"We can't trust these people." Zack hisses from behind a car, his gun is loaded and his finger is on the trigger.

"Only the girl can come!" Yells a voice from behind the bridge. A very familiar voice...

"Give me your gun." I demand of Zack, and he passes it to me.

I approach the bridge with Yukon by my side, all weapons tucked away in my bag. A roll of bandages and some painkillers are in my hands. I walk calmly across the empty stretch of road, though I am absolutely terrified that they're going to shoot me. But I've heard that voice before, it's male, and American. I reach the cars, and someone pops up from behind them, startling me. I fall back on my butt, a shot gun pointed at my head.

"Quickly, over the barricade." He says in a familiar South African accent.

"Caspar Lee?" I ask, looking up.

"Come on, Dan's hurt." I climb up and over the barricade, pulling Yukon up after me.

I look around at the group of people surrounding the fire. All YouTubers I know and love. Dan Howell's on the ground while Zoe Sugg presses a wad of clothing on his shoulder.

"Pretty damn small world." I remark, glancing around at all of them.

"Help him!" Phil Lester, who's usually nice, snaps at me.

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