Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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[Jake leaped in the trees for hours until.....]


[Jake fell off the tree and land on the ground, he gets up.]

Jake said, "Who's there? Show yourself." "Up here!"

[Jake looks up and sees a girl in the trees. The girl jumps down in front of Jake.]

Jake said, "Who are you?" The girl said, "I ask the questions around here, who are you?" Jake said, "My name is Jake, now tell me who you are and why did you hit me." The girl said, "Jake? Never heard of you. Well, whatever, my name is Temari, I thought you was one of little children that escape." Jake looked and said, "Uhhhh, little children?" Temari said, "Yeah, they love to run away a lot for some reason. I be the one to search for them and bring back to the village." Jake said, "Oh, well, I'm not little and I'm running from the Mazukai army and their general." Temari said, "The Mazukai army? They're back?" Jake said, "It's a long story to tell."

[Jake told Temari the whole story of what.]

Temari said, "So, that's what happen, they want you for something that your master did 5 years ago? That's weird, why wait until now to do it?" Jake said, "Well, they took Mei and his men, for this special power, the general said that it absorbs all the chakra out of you." Temari said, "The general said that, huh? Well, he can't locate my village. I have to go and find the little child, I'll see ya around." Jake said, "Allow me to come with you, I have no where else to stay." Temari said, "Well, for a kid who's live their life on the streets of another city, why not. You can come to my village and live there." Jake said, "Thank you."

[Jake and Temari set out to find the little child. But then they heard screaming and crying......]

Jake said, "Crying? The little child!!" Temari said, "We have to hurry and fast!"

[Jake and Temari rush to the little child, they found the little child, his leg was caught in a trap.]

The little child said crying, "Help me!!! My leg hurts!! Help me!!" Temari said, "Shhh, calm down, everything is going to be alright. We just have to get your leg out of that, okay?" The little child said, "Okay." Temari said, "Jake, help me get this thing off him." Jake said, "Sure."

[Jake takes the trap off the little child's leg.]

Temari said, "There, all better." The little child started crying again, Temari said, "What's wrong now?" Temari looked at his face and said, "He must have a fever. We need to hurry back to the village." Jake said, "The kid got a fever?" Temari said, "It looks that way, but how can a simple trap give a kid a fever?" Jake looks at the trap, it said 'PROPERTY OF MAZUKAI ARMY.' Jake said, "We got to go, and fast." Temari said, "What's going on?" Jake said, "I'll explain on the way to your village, we need to go." Temari said, "Okay."

[Temari puts the little child on her back, then Jake and Temari leaped through the trees to get to the village.]

Temari said, "So, what have you found out from the trap?" Jake said, "That trap, it belong to the Mazukai army." Temari said, "So, that's why you told us to run. They must really want you." Jake said, "I know, over something that took place 5 year ago." Temari said, "Don't worry, they won't find us once we get to my village."

[Jake and Temari arrive at the small village call The Little Village.]

Temari said, "Well, we're here, welcome to Little Village. It's small, but that's all we have." Jake said, "So, the children live here?" Temari said, "Yeah, most of their parents are dead because of the last war." Jake said, "You mean the one between the Izuyakai army? Their parent---" Temari said, "Yeah, so I have to take care of them, they have no one else in their life but me and my brothers. Well have I have to take the sick one in for treatment. Why don't you watch over the others outside playing?" Jake said, "Sure."

[Jake watched over the little children.]

Obito said, "Hey look, a new child!!" Ten-Ten said, "He doesn't look like he's our age." Kiba said, "Lets meet him rough." Lee said, "Hmmm, I want to challenge him to a fight. You guys see that sword and that bow and arrows, he's a ninja." Shino said, "It wouldn't be wise to mess with him Lee. He doesn't have the same strength as us. Leave him alone." Lee said, "Shino, you scaredy-cat, I'm challenging him not you, stay out of this." Shino said, "Lee, such a fool at times."

[Lee went over to Jake.]

Lee said, "You! I want to challenge you to a fight!" Jake looked at the little boy, then said, "Your just a kid, I can't fight you." Lee said, "As Rock Lee, the Little Village's handsome devil, I will win this battle." Jake said, "Look, Temari asked me to watch over you all, not fight you." Lee said, "I don't care. FIGHT ME!!!!!!!!"

"That's enough! No one will be fighting!"

Ten-Ten said, "Lee, it's the boss." Lee looked up, he sees Gaara and Kankuro standing behind him. Kankuro said, " There will be no fighting here." Lee said, "There's a new child here." Kankuro said, "That's has nothing to do with that, Gaara check out that kid over there. I'll deal with this." Gaara went over to check Jake, he said, "Hey! Are you causing problems?" Jake said, "No, that one challenged me to fight him, I told him I didn't want to, but he insisted." Gaara said, "Oh, so that's what happen? Well, I'll have a talk with Lee. Why are you here?" Jake said, "Well, I was brought here by Temari, she ambushed me by accident. She thought I was one of the little child that ran away." Gaara said, "I see. Well, make yourself at home here. Don't worry about Lee, he thinks he can fight anyone."

[Temari runs to Jake.]

Temari said, "Hey, I see you met my brothers. I'm the oldest, the youngest is Gaara. Kankuro is the middle child." Jake said, "I see. How's the kid doing?" Temari said, "Well, he's fine. I bandaged his leg up." Jake said, "What about his fever? Is it going down?" Temari said, "Yeah, little by little. He's resting, but he asked me to have you see him." Jake said, "He ask for me to see him?" Temari said, "Yeah, you saved his leg, but mostly his life. He lost a lot blood and also the doc detected a drug that was on the spikes in his leg, he said that it was a weakening drug. The first stage is body getting tired. Second stage, a fever that takes over the body. Finally, you'll be unconscious for days. The doc gave him a antidote, so the drug stop spreading. He still needs to recover from his wound." Jake said, "Well, okay."

[Jake and Temari goes to the infirmary to see the little child. They open the door and see the child resting on the bed. The little child sees Jake and smile.]

The child said, "You came!!!!!" Jake said, "Yeah, you asked me to come see you, right? How are you doing?" The child said, "Okay a little. My leg feels a lot better, wanna see?"

[The child gets off the bed and goes to Jake.]

The child said, "See. I can still walk." Jake said, "I see that, but you need to get some rest, okay?" The child said, "Okay." Jake said, "What's your name?" The child said, "My name is Konohamaru, I'm seven years old." Jake said, "That's a neat name." Konohamaru said, "Neat it is, my grandfather named me that after a city." Jake said, "A city?" Konohamaru said, "Yeah, the Hidden Leaf Village." Jake looked, then said, "The Hidden Leaf Village?" Konohamaru said, "Yeah!!!"

[Konohamaru yarns and rubs eyes.]

Temari said, "Time to go to sleep, Konohamaru. You'll need your rest if you want to play with the other kids." Konohamaru said, "I want Jake to stay." Temari said, "Jake will come by tomorrow and see you, he needs rest as well." Jake said, "I do?" Temari gave Jake a mean look, Jake said, "Never-mind." Temari said, "See?"

[Konohamaru was fast asleep. Jake and Temari step out of the room and went out of the infirmary.]

Jake said, "What was the mean look for, anyway?" Temari said, "Very funny, Jake, it was a long day for you, wasn't it?" Jake said, "Well, it was, but I don't get tired that easy. A lot of training is what gets me tired." Temari said, "Training? Well, in that case, I want to see how good you are." Jake said, "Whoa there! You mean you want to fight me?" Temari said, "Well, something like that, but not an actual fight. It's just to see how good are you." Jake said, "Fine, lets do it!" Temari said, "Alright. Here we go."

[To be continued.......]

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