Chapter 3 - I got Rejected by an Alpha

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As soon as i checked into the hotel, and was given the keys to my small room, i jumped onto the soft mattress and sigh in relief and content. The aeroplane chairs did not do justice when i tried to fall asleep - or it could have been the pain of the rejection, but notherless, i needed some sleep.

As i shut my eyes to attemp to fall asleep - of course my phone decided to buzz loudly, signally that i had a text message. I groaned and contemplated to throw it out of the window. It could be my family or Stacey.

Pick the damn phone up. It's annoying me. Scowled my wolf. I glowered at her and scowled, raeching for my i-phone on the tableside and slid the 'slide' button and saw it was a message from Stacey, really my only true friend in Rosehill High, that didn't use me to get in with my brother.


I sighed, as i saw the many missed calls from her and surprisingly my brother, i pulled at my lip in anger. Why should he care about me? After seventeen years of mocking and bullying me, telling me that i was a waste of space. I shook my head, and guiltily decided to not reply back to anyone as i knew my family could track down the message.

I felt bad for ignoring my best friend but i seriously don't want to be tracked down by my family and face my so called 'mate'.

I tied my long blonde hair into a side braid and threw on a loose grey hoodie and skinny jeans. I slipped on my black ballet flats and decided i needed to throw my phone out before some tracks me, i grabbed my bag as i sighed, no longer feeling drowsy and sleepy after Stacey's text message.

I threw it in the bin as i went out of the hotel and walked along the beach in the humid weather and then as i was admiring the view of the gorgeous beach, and thinking about what my family might be doing right now. Probably celebrating my escape, it was what they wanted, after all. I felt my eyes start to water at the thought, i might not love my parents, but they were still family. We once were happy, and those were the memories that i cherished.

As i was hastily wiping a tear from my cheeks and rubbing my eyes, i slammed into something...rock hard. I glanced up and gasped at the sight. Oh holy macaroni, this boy was gorgeous as fuck. He gave me a concerned look, as he held onto my arm tightly to restrict me from falling onto the ground as i stook there like an idiot, gaping at the tall, bronzed brazilian boy - no man in front ot me.

"Hey there, are you alright?" He asked frowning, as he let go of me slowly and i blinked, trying to regain my balance as i stood there awkwardly and laughed nervously.

Aww, he's concerned when he doesn't even know me. Now, why can't my mate be something like that instead of a dick head who only cared about his god damned ego?

Ugh..he's not your mate Alison! Stop thinking about him as if he is. Instructed my wolf.

God i have got to learn how to ignore her.

I heard that! She gasped.

A blonde guy next to him, who looked like a God, then got smacked by another brunette God looking man on the arm. He glared at the brunette guy that smacked him. Jesus Christ, i felt like i was in heaven, how can a girl function when there were three Gods in front of her? 

"Cody! She's a rogue!" The brunette guy hissed lowly, glaring at me,

The words dawned on me. I guess i am a rogue now...By running from my pack and my mate. That sent chills down my spine, i was always taught that rogues were bad people, but now i am one..It was a scary thought that i never realised, my face paled as i swallowed a lump in my throat.

"So what? She won't hurt us Ryan. Remember i'm the ... special one here!" Scowled the blo- Cody.

I stayed silent.

Ryan, the brunette, just nodded.

"Whats your name?" Asked a guy with jet black hair.

I didnt say anything, i was in shock.

ALISONETTE!  Scowled my wolf.

"Al-Alisonette." I stuttered.

Cody smiled.

"Well, hi Alisonette, you have a gorgeous name.I'm Cody by the way, the Alpha of this pack. This is Jet, my Beta and this one." He said pointing to the black-haired guy. "Is Ryan."

"Aw, what, why couldn't you introduce me first? I'm your favourite Code!" Whined Ryan, as Jet whacked him on the head, "Too bad peasant, he chose me as Beta - how do you feel now, punk?"

I giggled as they fought like a married couple, and shook my head. "Hi.. um, i'm from California." I say softly with a smile.

"So, may i ask, why you're a rogue? I mean, don't get me wrong, you don't look like the typical rogues that we kill, you don't seem deadly - unless, you know, you're some hot assassin tryging to seduce us and get us killed?!" Gaped Jet in shock, and i blinked at him in confusion, and there was a full, terrible, long minute of an awkward silence.

"What? I assure you that i am assasin trying to seduce you!" I laughed, "I ran away from my past pack..because, uh.." I trailed off slowly, my throat started to constrict as i felt the heaviness of my chest come back as i thought about my mate. I blinked and saw them look at me with sympathy.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. I didn't mean to pry. I was just curious, since Cody was considering you to join our pack." Jet says softly, i didnt even notice that i was crying until he mentioned it. How embarassing, i was crying like a baby infront of three men.

Then it clicked, wait, what? Join their pack?! But they don't even know me! I don't even know them!

"Yeah sure, my ability said she's good." Says Cody before smiling at me. I frowned at his words, ability? What ability? I didn't get to ask, before Jet and Ryan tackled me with bear hugs and i let out a shriekof surprise and laughter,

"Guys! Get off of Alisonette before you suffocate our newest pack member before we even get to greet her to the pack!" Laughed Cody 

"Ali. Call me Ali." I say finally to Cody, when they get off me, finally as they help me up, i slap their arms with a playful scowl and roll my eyes. 

"Hey how come he gets to!" Complained Ryan. I laughed at Ryan, he was such a complainer, it was adorable.

"Because i'm hot, duh!" Cody said with a wink at me, and then burst out in hysterics, at how serious he looked. He glared at me with a huff.

"Don't mock my sexiness Ali, you know it's the truth." He pouted and crossed his arms childishly, i couldn;t help but to keep laughing, then i sigh sadly as i realised that i was having more fun in an hour with these boys than i have in my entire life.

"Ali? What's wrong?" Cody then asked worriedly, as he stared at me wide eyed, my heart hurt even more. Why couldn't Drake be like this to me? Why couldn't anyone care about me?

"You're like the brother i've always wanted." I say softly and his eyes widen in shock, before he pulls me into a hug, tightly. "Welcome to the family." he says softly.

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