Ranting Time: Bullies

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To all the bullies out there. I feel bad for you. This might sound strange, but it's true. I pity you all. Bullies mean, obnoxious, and sometimes, even physically violent. The symptoms of being bullied are vast and diverse. Bullying causes emotional damage and physical damage. The worst part of these symptoms is that they are all too easy to hide, which means that friends and family of the victim might not even know they're being bullied until it's too late. Now, I bet everyone reading this is wondering why I feel bad for these bullies, why I pity them? I pity them because they are pathetic. Truly, the most pathetic people in the world. A bully is someone who crushes someone's self esteem because they themselves have low self esteem. They feel that they need to emotionally hurt people to make them feel better about their own short-comings. It's still no excuse for bullying, I know that. I just thought I would put this message out there for both bullies and victims. Victims of bullies, whenever your feeling down, just remember reading this. Remember it well, and keep on pushing through it. We're all special, and we're all great in our own ways. If the bullies can't see that, then that's their problem.

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