A poem #1

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I see the paper as a challenge
The blank white sheet stared me down
I stare back, pencil in hand

The graphite strokes the paper
Creating the shapes of letters
Curves and lines and dots

From the rigid swipe
Which creates the cross of a "t"
To the gentle curl, of a "y" and a "g"

Soon, letters create words
And words create meaning
A story unfolds from my imagination

The characters in my head become real
Not just for me, but for others
For those who read this

The pencil goes faster, new ideas form
New people, new scenes, new worlds
To be shared with others

This is my purpose,
What I wish to be
To share every idea in my brain

The worlds grow too big
Even for the infinite region of my mind
As my own creations scream to be seen

Ad so I write them here
On this white sheet of ideas
Now full to the edges

And so it stars again, as I reach
And pull another's sheet
Another challenge

And I stare down
Pencil in hand and ready
And so, it begins anew

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