Chapter 8

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Aaliyah's POV

Prod slide off my t-shirt and threw it on the floor. He laid me down on my back, and looked me up and down while bit down him bottom lip. I've always seen Prod with a "bad boy" demeanor, but his sexual side was driving me crazy.

He placed soft kisses on my neck while caressing my upper thigh. A moan softly slipped out between my lips that I was bitting down on, trying to hold back. I slide my hand underneath his shirt and felt on his abs. I could feel a smile grown on his lips against my jaw line.

We sat up and I helped him take off his shirt. I couldn't help be feel all over his chest, he just laughed. I gave him an innocent smirk before roughly flipped him over on his back and got on top of him, which caught him by surprise.

I gently kissed his lips and slowly made my way down his body. His groans were driving me crazy making my desiring body want him more. I tugged on his shorts and gave him a seductive look. I started to pulled them down, but he stopped me when I got to his mid-thigh.

"A-Aaliyah wait. I hear some-" He was cut off by a knock at the door.

Knock knock!!" Diggy yelled banging on the door.

"Oh shit! How'd he find us!?" I said jumping out of the bed.

"I don't know." Prod panicked.

I went to the quickest hiding place, under the bed. I laid there quietly as I heard Prod's feet head to the door.

Prod's POV

"What do you want Diggy?" I asked pretending to be sleepy even tho I was wide awake.

"Nothing, just checking on the poor girl that your sexually harassing." He said walking into the room looking around.

"I'm here alone." I said following behind him.

"Yeah right. Just make it easier on yourself and tell me where the hoe is." He snarled.

"There's no one here but me. Me and Erica go into an argument and I came here to give her some space." I lied.

"Awe Boohoo. Looks like someone isn't getting none tonight." Diggy said making his way back towards the door.

"I was before you got here.." I whisper under my breath.

"What?" Tia asked standing in the door way.


"I guess we'll get out of your way. You need to clean up in here. Diggy said kicking the t-shirt Aaliyah had on before he started walking out the door.

"You'll be at Aaliyah's party tomorrow right?" Tia asked.

"Me and Erica are suppose to be going on a date but after that argument, I don't know.."

"Oh okay." She said walking up closer to me. "You'll really make someone happy if you came." She whispered to me before walking away.

I knew she meant Aaliyah. I closed the door and laid back against it. I really had a lot on my mind. Aaliyah crawled off from under the bed.

"That was close." She said with a smile on her beautiful face. She ran over to me. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I lied. "I just have a lot on my mind. I'll just gonna sleep it off." I said walking back the bed and laying down.

"Okay..Goodnight Prod." She said getting into the bed.

"Night." I replied.


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