Chapter 18

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Prod's POV

"What the hell Erica?!" Aaliyah yelled.

"Shut the fuck up you dirty slut! I wouldn't have to do this if you would have just left him to die on my first attempt." Erica said.

"You done this!? Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm tired of getting cheated on by you. I gave you everything, and you just throws me under the bus no matter what I do. I gave you my life Prod...." She paused as she wiped a tear off her face. Now I'm gonna take your." She said pointing the gun directly at me.

"Erica I was gonna tell you everything when the time was right. Plus killing me isn't gonna solve anything." I said.

"Your right." She said lowering her gun.

"But killing her will." She said changing her target.

Aaliyah held her breath.

"You stole my man, and ruined my life. And maybe if your out of the picture he will finally be mine." Erica said walking towards me.

"Erica I'm pregnant! So if you kill me you'll be killing my baby too!" Aaliyah yelled to warned her.

My eyes widened.

"That just gives me a better reason to kill you." She said laughing. "That's too bad, the baby would have been really cute." Erica said as she cocked the gun.

"Erica please don't d-"

She was cut off my Diggy opening the door and Erica getting frighten and firing a shot. Aaliyah fell to the ground and Diggy tackled Erica and they started to wrestle over the gun.

I looked down at Aaliyah and saw blood coming from my body. I gad to do something so I pulled out my IV line and picked up Aaliyah and ran into the hallway.


Nurses ran to me and others ran to the room where gun shots were still being fired. Prince ran in to help Diggy and Tia can with me, helping me with Aaliyah.

More nurses came running towards us with a stretcher. I laid Aaliyah down where I see she was shot in the chest.

"Oh No.." I said to myself.

The nurses ran full speed pulling Aaliyah along trying to keep her conscious. I tried keeping up with them but when they took her into the operating room a male nurse stopped me from following.

"Look son you cant go in here. I'm sorry."

"No I'm sorry sir. Sorry that I don't care about you stupid ass rule right now. I'm in love with that girl in there, and I'm not gonna ever leave her side. So if you can excuse me and get the hell outta the way I will appreciate that." I said as I pushed him out if the way and marched inside the operating room.

"SECURITY!" The man yelled. So I picked up the pace.

I made it to the room where they were sticking her with needles and hooking her up to machines.

"She's floating in and out if consciousness Sarah." I hears one of the nurses say.

I ran to Aaliyah's side were she was breathing heavily.

Your gonna be okay Aaliyah. Just hang in there." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"You can't be in here!" Someone yelled. "Security!"

2 large men walked into the room and grabbed me.

"Aaliyah! I love you!" I yelled before they got me completely put of the room.

I would still hear her machine beeping rapidly as I was being drug down the hallway. But once we opened the door the nurses went on to panic and the beeping was gone.

I completely lost my mind. I could no longer control myself. I fell to my knees and burst into tears because this would have never happen to her if it wast for me. Its all my fault.


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