Me: *joins tumblr* this is a funny post
Tumblr(light side): ah welcome hoe nice of you to join us. Well, here's the tour. Over there you got your memes that way is blogs and there are the fanfictions.
Me: *confused look*
Tumblr (light side): don't worry we will have you obsessed soon
Me: *sees a locked door* What is that?
Tumblr (light side): that is the dark side you mustn't unlock that door
Me: okay......
Ten minutes later
Me: *opens door* *hears maniacal laughter*
Dan: Hi I'm Dan. Thanks for opening the door. Here's your tour. That's the sociopath corner. The murder clan. Oh! That's the Phan trash. My favorite place. Goodbye have fun!
Me: *b-lines for Phan trash*