lemon 2

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Remember none of these are mine

The following story will have explicit sexual content. Reader's discretion is advised.
It was a hot day in the Hidden Village of the Leaves-otherwise known as Konohakagure...but with the humidity factored in, it was indeed a hot and hazy summer day in Konoha. Despite the sun that shone amid the bright and vibrant blue skies, the intensely warm temperature had driven most of the population into their own homes for relief. Almost all of the streets were vacant, devoid of the people that strolled on those streets. The people didn't know how long the hot temperatures were going to last, as the summer was quite unpredictable even with the antiquated models of predicting this kind of weather.

At the Uchiha residence, there was a certain young man who sat on the leathered couch reading the newspaper about the intense heat outside. His hair was styled with spiky bluish-black locks that pointed down at the front, but had continued all the way to the back of his head, making it resemble like that of a raven. As he was reading the article on the newsprint, he heard the latch on the lock of the front door being turned. The door was unlocked, as it was thrown all the way and it had revealed a certain female who had then stepped right inside. Her hair carried the colour of bubble-gum pink, her silky and sleek locks shone from the bright rays of the sun, and the tips of her locks had touched and reached past her shoulders.

As the raven-haired man had put down the newspaper on the other side of the couch, he stood up and walked towards where the pink-haired woman was. The woman gave a heavy "phew!" as she removed her wrinkled jacket and hanged it on the first hook of the wall-mounted coat hanger, revealing her low-cut shirt in which it revealed her belly-button.

"How was your day, Sakura?" The raven-haired man asked.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and brows with her right sleeve.

"The sudden heat is quite unbearable outside." She remarked.

"I'll say." He agreed in his response.

Sakura went on. "Air conditioning went out half an hour ago at the hospital, so Lady Tsunade just let us all go early from infirmary duty."

She then walked over into the living room, before she made her way to the kitchen as he followed. "It looks like you were in here all the time, Sasuke."

He walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch, picking up the same newspaper that he had put away. "I was supposed to be over at the meeting of all Jounin in the village, but I was informed that it was postponed due to the heat."

He thanked himself that there was air conditioning here in the large house, and he would've suffered from the heat too, had it not been in place for the entire residence. As he read the remaining articles on the newspaper, he looked up and saw Sakura walking into the living room holding a fork and a plate with what seemed to be a large slice of a chilled dessert on the porcelain plate. She slowly sat down on the leathered armchair, placing the plate on the glass table with the fork on top of the plate.

"What are you having right now?" He asked, peeking over the newspaper.

Sakura smiled. "Oh...a slice of cherry cheesecake. Want some?"

"No thanks, I don't like sweets."

He lifted the newspaper back to eye level. A few moments later, he lowered the newspaper as he heard some weird, strange noises coming from his wife. He stared at her as she enjoyed every bite out of her slice of the cheesecake. However, his eyes shot wide open as he then saw her licking and sucking the piece of the sweet dessert stuck to the fork, her moans escaping out her luscious mouth as she continued to do the things that teased Sasuke even more. He lifted the newspaper back up to cover the tinges of red on his cheeks, but he didn't last long to fight the temptation that was rising inside of him.

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