Brooke Hyland and Kevin Cosculluela

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Brooke: 15 Kevin:17 Paige: 13 Nick: 14 Chloe: 13 Nia:12 Asia: 7 Kendal: 11 Maddie: 11 Mackenzie: 7 Josh: 14

Brooke's POV: Im on my way to dance with Paige, Chloe, Nick, Cristi and my mom. Chloe and Nick don't live too far away from us so we often give them lifts to dance. Cristi sat with my mom in the front, Paige and Nick sat in the middle(they both like eachother, they have both told me, but they'll never admit it to eachother) and me and Chloe sat in the back, Me, Paige and Chloe are all really close, i guess it's becuase our moms are also close, we are always at eachother's houses. We do the whole walk in to eachothers houses and shout "Hey!I'm home!" its funny, also Chloe likes my brother Josh, they are kinda close. We always hang out together the four of us. "So guys, you excited for pyramid this week?" Cristi said, we all sighed and groaned jokingly. "Abbey told me she had a surprise for you all this week? I wonder what it is?" my mom said, nobody knew, we was all puzzled. I asked chloe has she spoke to josh recently, she said they've been texting, i think it'd be cute if they went out, they both like eachother alot, but they never believe me when i tell them, Nick and Paige we talking, they're pretty close and i think they'd be a nice couple to. Chloe asked me who I liked, I said no one, she said if i had to pick someone from the ALDC i'd like to date, who'd it be "Ke.." i suddenly stopped "oh nothing never mind" i said straight after, "come on brooke tell me?Kevin?" "No, he's two years older than me!he wouldn't be intrested in a 15year old!" i kinda shouted wispered to chloe. "Brooke, just because there's a little age gap, doesn't mean he doesn't like you" chloe said. My phone flahsed with a message from Kevin. Me and Chloe looked at each other before both trying to grab my phone, "chloe i'll let you look if you had me the phone?" "okay okay"chloe said smiling. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the message 'hey brooke xxxx' the message said, i smiled and chloe giggled, "what should i reply?!" i asked, "just say hi or something" "okay" i replied with 'hey Kevin, are you at dance tonight?Xxxx' me and chloe sat anciously waiting for a reply. My phone bleeped 'Yeah are you?Xxx' i replied with 'Yeah i'm in the car now with chloe, paige and nick xxxx' he replied almost immediately 'aw, you might see me, i'm walking, my car's not working properly :( xxxx' i read the message and shouted to my mom "mom!can we pick kevin up on the way to dance?his car's broke so he's got to walk?" "Sure, tell him to wait at his house" "okay" i text back 'Wait at your house Kevin and we'll come and pick you up xxxx' he replied 'aw okay thank you brookee xxxx' 'its okay, we'll be at your's in 15minutes xxxx' 'okay, see you then xxxx' we pulled up at his house, he has a really nice big house! Chloe jumped out of the back and told Kevin to sit with me in the back and she'd sit in the middle, i knew what she was up to. It was about 20minutes till dance so me and Kevin talked for abit before listening to some music. "Okay kids we're here!" my mom shouted. We all jumped out the car, Nick and Paige walked in together and me, Kevin and Chloe walked in. "hey miss abbey" we all shouted "he guys" she shouted in reply. My mom and Cristi went upstairs and we went in to the den, me, paige chloe and nick are quite close so we always sit together, Kevin doesn't usually sit with us in the den, but he sat with us, i was happy that he sat with us, i like spending time with him, I've liked him for a while now, ever since abbey sent us on a date one time for our group number to connect. I was so glad when miss abbey put me in the senior company's dance with kevin, we used to talk but not that much but then we started talking more and hanging out more often, we text often but in the friend way, i don't think kevin see's me in a girlfriend way, he's 17 so there is a little age gap so..

"GIRL'S PYRAMID!" Miss Abbey yelled. Me, Paige and Chloe got up and ran into Studio A. Nia, Kendall, Asia, Maddie and Mackenzie followed. And the moms walked in. "Right let's get started with Pyramid" miss abbey began "On the bottom we have Maddie, you forgot you're solo and messed up in the group dance?come on!" i like Maddie, but in a way, I'm glad that she's at the bottom, she's always on the top and no one else ever gets a chance, miss abbey continued "Next is Kendall, you messed up in a leap sequence, come on kendall i expect better from you! Next, we have Mackenzie, you'r duet with Asia didn't go well atall, next is Asia, same for you. Moving on up the pyramid, we have Chloe, you done excellent in your solo and it placed 2nd! next is Paige, you're solo was great and it placed 1st! well done. And on the top of the pyramid is Brooke! brooke not only did you lead the group dance, you placed 1st in the solo and it was the highest score out of the whole competition!well done brooke!" i smiled and the girls gave me a hug, my mom seemed happy because me and paige are usually on the bottom, so i guess it's nice for her to see us higher up on the pyramid. "Right this week, we are going to Starbound in California!" everyone woo'd and cheered "and i have two male guests joining us this week" i hoped it was Kevin and Paige hoped it was Nick, we looked at eachother winked and laughed "boys come in!" Nick and Kevin walked in!i was so happy! we all ran over and gave them a hug, I couldn't get to Kevin because of everyone, so i just stood aside, but he came over and we gave eachother a big hug "ooo that was a nice hug ey ey" me and kevin looked at eachother, blushed a little and smiled, we walked back into our line, the line went Kevin,Me,Paige,Nick,Chloe,Nia,Asia,Mackenzie,Maddie,Kendall. "So this week, everyone is in the group number, it's about two men, nick and kevin, who try and capture a girl, brooke, and everyone else is trying to stop it happening. There will be two duets, Kevin and Brooke, we smiled and gave eachother a hug then paige gave me a hug. The next will be Paige and Nick, they also hugged eachother before me and chloe gave paige a hug. "Solo's are going to Chloe and Nia" i gave Chloe and Nia a hug. "Right guys and gals, let's get warmed up and get started, Moms you are dismissed. The moms walked out the room and headed upstairs, we all warmed up, my back felt stiff so Kevin helped me strech it more than what i can do myself. Abbey said she wanted to work on mine and Kevin's duet first, so everyone else went into the den, miss abbey said it was going to be about a boy, who's crazy about a girl but the girl doesn't want to know at first, but they end up deeply in love" me and kevin looked at eachother and smiled. "I'm going to need alot of chemistry between you both okay?" miss abbey asked, we both nodded. Miss abbey taught us the number, it was perfect, there was alot of hard and dangerous lifts in the piece, it was perfect. After about 1hr, miss abbey told us to send in Paige and Nick, have a little rest in the den then go and practise in studio B. We went in the den, i seen paige and nick sat in a corner, just them two i pointed to kevin, i said how cute it was, he laughed at me, i jokingly hit his stomach, he's alot taller than me so my head finishes half way up his chest, we laughed before going over to tell them miss abbey want's to work on their duet, they got up and ran into studio A, I sat down where Paige and Nick was sat, kevin passed me a bottle of water "thanks" i said and he sat down beside me, we talked for about 15 minutes before i jumped up and said "come on, let's go practise" "hmm, i'll pass" kevin said jokingly, "come on!" i said laughing, he wouldn't move so i grabbed his legs and pulled him, he's alot taller than me so i struggled a little, we was both laughing before i fell over, we then both laughed even more, kevin stood up and asked me if i was okay "yeah" i replied still lay on the floor. Kevin put out his hand to help me up, i grabbed hold of his hand and he pulled me up, we walked in to studio B and went over our number about 10 times, we then messed about abit, holding hands and jumping around, kevin pulled me in close to him, we looked into eachother's eyes and then, Paige and Nick walked in, i turned around and we all laughed, "hey you two came to practise?" "yeah" paige said, "let me watch your duet?" i asked "okay"nick said. Me and Kevin sat down and watched their peice, it was beautiful, at the end of it me and kevin clapped and said well done, "now let us watch yours!" paige said, "nooo" i said, "come on" paige and nick said in unison, kevin stood up and put his hand out, i took hold of it and stood up, we done of number, paige and nick clapped and paige even had a tear in her eyes, aw. We then went and sat down in the den,just the four of us "hey paige, where's chloe?" i asked "oh she's just with abbey, they're working on her solo" Paige stood up and walked over to her bag and signled me over, "one sec guys" i said to nick and kevin, "okay" they replied and started talking. "what's up?" i asked, "hey, well you know chloe is sleeping ours tonight?" "yeah" "well, why don't we ask Kevin and Nick to come over to? because i know chloe wants to spend some time with josh, you may deny it,but i know you'd like to spend some time with kevin, and well, you know i like nick" "Paige i don't think Kevin want's to spend time with me, im almost two years younger than him"

Brooke Hyland and Kevin CosculluelaWhere stories live. Discover now