Chapter 2

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Michael's Pov

My heart stopped. I couldn't breath. I felt as if the air was pressing down on my shoulders and my chest was about to cave in on itself. It was him. Why. This was my safe Haven, yet I was drowning in emotions memories. "Hey Gio." A few of the club members

with Gio. "OH MY GOD KATE!" Gio yelled making me want to leave the club even more than I ready wanted to. "OH MY GOD GIO!" Kate yelled back. "Hey quiet and listen to Michael you two." M's Berry said scolding the two students. "Sorry." Kate whisper. "Okay as I was saying find a partner so we can start the first activity." I said trying to remain as calm as I could.
I noticed that Gio went straight for America. He always went for the ones he thought he could manipulate though. He really hadn't known her long and I guarantee that he thinks she's a weak one. She isn't though.

he may seem a little small and fragile, but she is strong and I know that I'm not going to let him try at her. "Okay," I said trying to think of something quick so he wouldn't try to be paired with her," I want you to be paired up with someone of the same grade level so you can work on this together better." The club members started to shift so they could find a partner. At the moment I paid no attention to him. I need to focus on the club. I thought to myself. Once everyone found a partner I proceeded to speak to them. "Okay, so today we are going to be working in pairs obviously, but there is a reason to these pairs." I said motioning to the laptop plugged in the projector next to me. "I'm gonna show y'all a video on a few issues on the LGBT life in the United States. All y'all have to do is take note because two weeks from this meeting you guys are going to present to the club about how we,the LGBT community, are portrayed in media." I said trying to keep my focus as best as I could. "Any questions before we get started?" I asked. A hand shot up. It was crystals. Who to no surprise paired up with krystal. "What happens if we can do the presentation because we won't be here?" She said. "Well in that case I'll extend the presentation to the week after if it isn't down for whatever reason." I said. "Okay." Crystal said. "You better be here or I'll leave you alone on valentines day." Krystal said to the other. "Don't worry I will ," Crysta said with slight embarrassment in her voice, "I was just making sure." They were a cute couple. Just three months ago they both were completely speechless with each other. The crushes they had on each other that were big enough to be the size of they sun. Now they were an adorable couple that seemed to have been together for years. "Okay," I said, "I'm going to start the video now." As I started the video I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Michael I'm. Going to make copies of some papers and do some stuff in the office. I'll be gone 20 minutes max okay" M's Berry said. "Alright M's Berry I'll make sure every thing will be fine while you're gone." I said. "Okay I'll be back as soon as possible." She said walking out the door. I walked over and sat in a seat in the back of the classroom away from everyone. I had to think. Why is he here? Why today out of all days does he come? All I could think of was what he did. Why? He seemed so sweet and caring at the start and now I can even say his name without choking. How was I sucked into his lies? Why was my heart so disposable to him? I felt light headed now. My mind was like a broken record now. All I could hear was his voice."I love you Mikey." I heard it in his voice again. Those words were once the world to me now they are like a scar that was burned into my head. He put put me into the lowest point in my life. The point to where I couldn't even breath without hesitation. Now that he is sitting here. In my club acting like he did nothing to me whatsoever.  Just then I heard someone say something that caught my attention." I told you no already Gio, I'm not going to the dance." It was America. I listened closely making sure I didn't miss a word. "Come on its a school dance it won't be that bad." Gio responded to her. "I don't care that its a school dance I have a test the day after and I want to study for it without distractions." America started to sound annoyed. Gio replied with "Come on don't be a prune." Just then America said "You know what I'm moving seats."As she got up Gio stopped her by standing and  grabbing her wrist. "Don't be so rude now," He said. "Let go of me!" America yelled. All the heads turned from the video to them. "Just say yes then." He said still not letting go of her. No one moved or said a word not knowing what to do. Just then America did something that made my year. "I SAID LET GO!" Just as the words escaped her mouth she shot her foot straight between his legs. A sharp cry came from his mouth. Within moments he was on the floor with his eyes tearing up. I walked over to where he set down his bag and grabbed it. "Zarian can you help me with this." I did motioning to him to help gio up. I walked over to the door and threw his bag out. Zarian helping him up walked him to the door. Then I did something I thought I d never do. I spoke to him. "You ever do that or anything like that to one of my club members again and you'll be in the hospital in even more pain then you already are." As I pushed him out the door I told him one last thing." Now leave and don't come back before I call the school's security. Not even giving him a chance to respond I slammed the door on his face. I felt pride and a feeling of joy over come me. I just did something that was once impossible to me. Now I can go and enjoy my club without distractions.

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