Chapter 1

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"Shit shit shit." Michael said to himself as he put papers on the two tables that have been put together. "Language Michael." Said the teacher sitting behind him at the computer." Sorry M's Berry I just want to get all these papers organized before the club gets here.", Michael said reorganizing the papers on the tables. "You have time before they all get here, don't worry Michael." The teacher said while standing up and setting down a paper for the members to sign in on. " I know it's just that I like the meetings to start off as perfect as can be." Michael said finally deciding on the way the papers were set. Just as he finished the bell rang announcing the fact that everyone but club members could go home.

"See you finished on time like always." M's Berry said returning to her seat by the computer. "Thanks." Michael said leaving the classroom to stand and look out if the room. He watched the students walk by knowing that most would either head home or to the park next to the school. He searched for any familiar face that would be in the club today. Just as he was about to walk inside a body pushed itself against him giving him a hug making the person presence known. "Hey Mikey."

t was Jessi, Jessica to anyone who wasn't in the club since she only allowed people who she felt close to call her Jessi. "Hey Jessi." Michael said in a monotone voice, yet it had a feeling if happiness thrown into it. She smiled at his voice. "So what are we doing today in the club?" She said letting go of him to readjust her glasses. "You know I always keep it secret until the meetings start Jessi." Michael said as he walked back into the classroom. "I know I know." Jessi said leaving her backpack in a seat, but walking back to the door. Michael oblivious to the fact that she set her bag down proceeded to ask "Are you leaving?" She looked up at Michael and shook her head. "No I'm going to get Chinese food with Kate. We'll be back in about fifteen minutes though." Michael feeling a little insensitive for not noticing her put her bag down said "okay well hurry back the meeting is going to be a fun one today." He said motioning to the papers that were layer across the two desk. "Alright will do." She said as she headed out of the room. "Hey guys." Jessi said waving to the group of people who just entered the room. "Hey Jessi." The group said in unison as they walked in. The group consisted of four people. First was Brandon a shy and sweet boy, but don't let this fool you since he did have a small amount of conceited mixed in his personality. He always "jokingly" competed with Michael for the spotlight. The next person in the group was Chye, even though it was pronounced like shy she was the complete opposite of the meaning in the club. Third was a somewhat odd girl named Kristi. Even though she was a little odd she always had time in her day to really listen to people when they needed to be heard. Finally there was Zarian. Now he may seem a little barbaric at first, he was really a sweet nerd. "Mikey!" Chye yelled as she ran to Michael to give him a hug. "Hey Chye your looking beautiful as always." Michael said while once again having a hug forced upon him. Not that he didn't like it he just wished there was some type of warning instead of  people just yelling Mikey.
Chye blushed at the compliment he said. "Thanks." She said trying to hide the blood rushing to her cheeks. "Did you sign in?" Michael asked her. "Nope. Thanks for reminding me." Chye said as she walked over to the paper M's berry had set down earlier. As the others found there seats other people started coming in. There was Kassy and Austin arguably the cutest couple at the club. Kassy's best friend 

eidi followed behind them talking to crystal the old president of the club. These people along with Michael were seen as the club veterans. They were here last year and they are still here this year. Next came Abby holding the ice cream that she always got before the club started. Next came in crystal with her sports bag as always. As they all sat down Michael was ready to begin the meeting. "Alright let's get started." Michael said standing at the head of the table. "Wait. What about the freshies?" Brandon said noticing a small amount of the seats empty. " They told me that they would be a little late to the meeting today." Michael responded. "Oh okay." Brandon said. Just as Brandon said that the freshies walked in. There was Iliana, Judith, America, and  Crystal. There was usually give but Roberto, the fifth freshie, had track so he wouldn't be able to make it until the season was over. "Hey guys sorry we're late." Judith said as they took their seats. "It's no problem y'all." Michael said. Right before Michael started someone walked onto the room. It was Roberto to everyone's amazement. "Berto aren't you supposed to be at practice?" America questioned him. "No the coaches had to leave early today so practice is canceled." Berto said talking his seat next to the group of freshman. Now seeing his chance Michael officially started the meeting. "Alright now since mostly everyone is here", Michael said still acknowledging that Jessi and Kate were getting Chinese. Food," it's time to start this meeting of GSA." Michael loved this club it helped him through a terrible depression he had. The club helped him become happy once again." Today we'll be doing some trust exercises and discussing the difference between bisexual and pansexual." Just as Michael said that he heard a voice that made his face go pale. His heart stopped and he couldn't breath. It was "Did somebody say pansexual?" It was him. The one who put him at the lowest point in his life. The one who put him in that depression. It.was.him.

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